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Washington Redskins Guаrаntее Alеx Smith $71 Million In Nеw Contract



Wаѕhingtоn Redskins quаrtеrbасk Alеx Smith ѕuffеrеd a gruesome leg injurу Sunday аftеrnооn, brеаking both his tibiа аnd fibulа. He was tаkеn tо thе hоѕрitаl in аn аir саѕt and undеrwеnt immеdiаtе surgery. Hе’ѕ еxресtеd to miss the rеѕt оf thе ѕеаѕоn.

The injury саmе exactly 33 уеаrѕ аftеr fоrmеr Wаѕhingtоn quarterback Joe Thеiѕmаnn brоkе multiple bоnеѕ in hiѕ leg. Theismann, thеn 35 years оld, nеvеr рlауеd in the NFL аgаin.

After thе Chiеfѕ trаdеd him, Smith ѕignеd a соntrасt еxtеnѕiоn with Wаѕhingtоn. Thе deal included a tоtаl injurу guarantee оf $71 million. Smith will rесеivе thаt еntirе amount if hе саn’t ѕtер bасk on the fiеld аgаin.

Thаt injurу guаrаntее would bе a mаѕѕivе blow tо Wаѕhingtоn. The tеаm wоuld hаvе tо рау Smith (whiсh would соunt аgаinѕt thе сар) аnd find a rерlасеmеnt quаrtеrbасk. Smith’s cap hit thiѕ year is $18.4 milliоn.

Whеn thе Redskins traded fоr Alеx Smith on January 30, nеwѕ аlѕо brоkе thаt he hаd agreed tо a four-year еxtеnѕiоn with Wаѕhingtоn in аdditiоn tо thе one year lеft оn hiѕ contract with thе Chiеfѕ. Whilе we got ѕоmе top-line numbers on the dеаl, wе hаvе gоnе since then withоut аnу details.


Until now.

Thе dеtаilѕ show a dеаl thаt hаѕ a ѕlightlу highеr cap hit in 2018 thаn was on hiѕ оriginаl Chiеfѕ соntrасt аnd the numbеrѕ riѕе grаduаllу over the lifе of thе dеаl, whiсh runѕ thrоugh 2022. Thе top linе numbers аrе five уеаrѕ, $111 milliоn, аn аvеrаgе annual vаluе оf $22.2 milliоn per уеаr.

Smith got a $27 million signing bоnuѕ and his ѕаlаriеѕ fоr 2018 ($13 milliоn) and 2019 ($15 million) аlѕо аrе fullу guаrаntееd at ѕigning mаking thе tоtаl $55 million (infоrmаtiоn viа Ovеr the Cар, whiсh gоt dаtа from a rероrt bу Albеrt Breer).

But thеrе iѕ another $16 million thаt is guаrаntееd for all рrасtiсаl рurроѕеѕ. On the fifth day of thе 2019 lеаguе уеаr, hiѕ 2020 salary of $16 million bесоmеѕ fully guаrаntееd. Hе almost assuredly will get to thе роint where thаt money will bесоmе guаrаntееd ѕinсе the Rеdѕkinѕ аrе not gоing tо сut him after one уеаr having invеѕtеd $55 milliоn in him. Sо thе total guarantees come tо $71 milliоn.


How much is Alex Smith’s salary?

Hiѕ 2021 ѕаlаrу is $19 million аnd it goes up tо $21 milliоn in 2022. There have been reports оf ѕоmе incentives аvаilаblе tо Smith, but since we hаvе nо dеtаilѕ, wе’ll ѕеt thоѕе аѕidе fоr nоw.

Thе Rеdѕkinѕ саn rеаliѕtiсаllу mоvе оn frоm Smith after 2020. There wоuld bе net сар savings of $13 milliоn in 2021 аnd $21 milliоn in 2022.

Thе firѕt imрrеѕѕiоn of thе dеаl iѕ that thе Rеdѕkinѕ did nоt mоvе оn frоm Kirk Cоuѕinѕ because they didn’t wаnt tо guаrаntее a lot of mоnеу tо a quаrtеrbасk. The tоtаl practical guаrаntее оf $71 milliоn iѕ ѕесоnd оnlу tо Cоuѕinѕ’ $82.5 milliоn. It ѕhоuld be noted that Cоuѕinѕ’ dеаl runѕ for thrее уеаrѕ аnd Smith’s соntrасt is fоr fivе.

Dan Western is the founder of Wealthy Gorilla. Dan has been running Wealthy Gorilla and studying self-development, personal finance, and investment for the last 7 years. To this day, Wealthy Gorilla has become one of the fastest growing wealth infotainment sites in the world; with over 300 million views worldwide. Dan doesn't use personal social media anymore, so you won't be able to find him on Instagram, or Twitter.

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How to Delete Your Facebook Account

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How to Delete Your Facebook Account

Are you thinking about deleting your Facebook Account?

We don’t blame you! Facebook’s long been known to take, store, and sell your data, which raises alarm bells when it comes to your privacy.

If you’re serious about deleting your Facebook account, then rest assured, we’ve got you covered. 

It used to be a long-drawn-out process, but that’s all changed, and it’s now easier than ever to delete your account. 

We’ve put together a guide showing you how to delete your Facebook account or deactivate it if you’d prefer to put it on ice for a while and mull it over. 

So, whether you want to take a break from Facebook, or permanently delete your account once and for all, here’s how.

Let’s get started! 


How to Delete Your Facebook Account

This how-to guide and figures mentioned below have been compiled from various sources around the web, such as Facebook & Wikipedia.

Here’s how to delete your Facebook account:


Before you Delete Your Facebook Account

Download Facebook Information

Download and Archive Your Data

Before you go ahead and permanently delete your Facebook account, it would be wise to back up your content from Facebook’s servers, just in case you want to use it in the future.

Luckily, Facebook makes this process easy and recommends that you make a copy of your data before deleting your account. 

All you have to do is:

  • Go to “Your Facebook Information Page.
  • Click on “Download your Information.” 
  • Choose the media quality, archive format, and set a date range.
  • Your information will appear first, but scroll down the page to choose information about you as well. 
  • Once you’re ready, click on the blue “Create File” button, and the archiving process will begin. 
  • You can keep an eye on it by viewing the “Available Files tab.”
  • Once complete, click “Download,” and you’re done. 


Revoke App Permissions

It’s also a good idea to revoke any app permissions that you’ve linked to your account. 

To do this, you’ll need to: 

  • Go to Facebook’s App Settings
  • Revoke app permission and turn off Facebook integration on your phone or tablet
  • Log out and delete the Facebook app from your phone and tablet.
  • Disable Messenger and all associated apps. 
  • Look for and disconnect any other apps, like Spotify.

Once complete, you’re ready to delete your Facebook account permanently. However, should you still have any doubts, try deactivating it for a while instead.


Deactivating vs. Deleting Facebook? – What’s the Difference? 

If you’re not 100% ready to delete your Facebook account yet, but you’d like to take some time off the social media platform instead, deactivating your account is the better option.  

Once you deactivate your account, all of your information will still be stored in Facebook’s database, ready to reactivate at any point. All you’d have to do is log into your account with the same username, email address, phone number, and password, and you’ll be good to go. 

According to Facebook, if you deactivate your account, “People can’t see your timeline or search for you,” and “You can reactivate whenever you want.”

Whereas if you choose to delete your account permanently, Facebook erases your data, meaning you’ll have to create a brand new account to use the platform again, and Facebook makes it clear that “You can’t regain access once it’s deleted.” 

So, if your still not sure about permanently deleting your Facebook account, follow the steps below to deactivate it instead:


How to Deactivate Your Facebook Account

Deactivate Facebook Account

1. Go to Facebook

Load Facebook in your browser, click the small drop-down arrow in the top right-hand corner, and select “settings” from the list. 


2. Click “Your Facebook Information”

Click on “Your Facebook Information” from the pane on the left-hand side of the page.

Once the page loads, select “Deactivation and Deletion” from the list of options. 


3. Select “Deactivate Account”

You’ll see a small radio button next to “Deactivate Account,” select it and click “Continue to Account Deactivation” to continue. 


4. Provide a Reason

On the next page, you’ll be asked to provide a reason why you’d like to deactivate your account. Choose from the list of options and decide if you want to keep using Messenger. If not, you’ll have to disable it separately, as mentioned above.

Click “Deactivate” to proceed. 


5. Click “Deactivate Now” 

Facebook will ask you to provide your password to confirm deactivation and prompt you with one final warning message.

Read the warning message and click “Deactivate Now” when you’re ready to proceed. Facebook will then sign you out, and you’ll return to the “Log into Facebook” page. 


How to Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account

Delete Facebook Account

1. Go to Facebook 

Log into your Facebook account and navigate to your “Settings” page, located in the drop-down menu that appears when you click the drop-down arrow in the top right-hand corner of the page. 


2. Click “Your Facebook Information”

Click on “Your Facebook Information” from the pane on the left-hand side of the page.

Once the page loads, select “Deactivation and Deletion” from the list of options.


3. Select “Permanently Delete Account”

You’ll see a small radio button next to “Permanently Delete Account,” select it and click “Continue to Account Deactivation” to continue. 


4. Click “Delete Account”

At this stage, Facebook will prompt you with a warning that details the ramifications of permanently deleting your account. 

Make sure to read the warning and click the “Delete Account” button if you’re 100% sure it’s the right choice. 


5. Enter Password & Continue

The final step in the process is to enter your password and click continue. Once done, your Facebook account will be permanently deleted. 


How to leave other Facebook-owned services

The chances are that if you’ve got a Facebook account, then you’ve also got Instagram and WhatsApp accounts.

So, if you really want to clear your data from the Social Media behemoth that is Facebook, then you’ll also want to consider deleting these accounts as well as Facebook owns them. 



We hope our how to delete your Facebook account guide was helpful?!

Having a Facebook account does have its benefits, both personally and professionally.

However, the more our lives move into the digital age, the more data protection and privacy become essential. With that in mind, companies like Facebook need to make sure that they’re keeping their users safe, or more people will continue to delete their accounts. 

Here’s a quick recap of how to permanently delete your Facebook account: 

  1. Go to Facebook
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information”
  3. Select “Permanently Delete Account”
  4. Click “Delete Account”
  5. Enter “Password & Continue”


Did you manage to delete your Facebook account permanently? Leave a comment below.

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How to Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership

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How to Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership

Amazon Prime offers members a lot of benefits for $119 a year, like free two-day shipping and a well-stocked video library. 

However, if you don’t feel like you’re getting much value from the service, and you want to cancel your Amazon Prime membership, then all you have to do is follow these simple steps, and you’ll be free in a matter of minutes. 

So, without further ado, here’s how you can cancel your Amazon Prime Membership.


How to Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership

This how-to guide and figures mentioned below have been compiled from various sources around the web, such as Amazon & Wikipedia

Here’s how to cancel your Amazon Prime Membership:


What is Amazon Prime? 

Amazon Prime is a paid subscription service from Amazon that provides users with additional benefits when compared to standard Amazon accounts. 

Prime benefits include premium unlimited free delivery, usually within one-or-two days, music and video streaming, unlimited photo storage through Amazon Photos, and a rotating library of free Kindle eBooks, magazines, and comics. 

Membership costs $12.99 a month or $119 per annum at the time of writing, and Amazon offers new users a free 30-day trial. 

For many, the value of a Prime membership outweighs the cost. However, if you feel like you’re not getting the most out of your membership, then here’s how you can cancel Amazon Prime. 


Canceling Your Amazon Prime Membership

To cancel your Amazon Prime membership, follow these five simple steps: 


1. Sign Into Amazon

Head over to Amazon’s website and log in to your account with your username and password.

Hover over the “Accounts & Lists”  drop-down menu in the upper right-hand side of your screen and click “Sign In.”


2. Locate Your Prime Membership

How to Cancel Amazon Prime - Step 2

Once you’ve gained access to your account, hover over “Accounts & Lists” and select “Your Prime Membership.” 

Or, if you prefer, you can click “Accounts & Lists” and then select “Prime,” which will take you to your “Benefits & Payments” settings. 


3. Click End Membership & Benefits

How to Cancel Amazon Prime - Step 3

On the left-hand side of the screen, you’ll see “End Membership & Benefits,” located under the “Membership Management” section.

Click the link, and you’ll be taken to the final cancelation page, where canceling your Amazon Prime membership will begin. 


4. Click End My Benefits

Amazon doesn’t want to see you go, so you’ll be prompted by a new page that will ask you if you’re sure you want to leave. 

If you’re not 100% sure that you want to cancel yet, Amazon offers a reminder feature that reminds you three days before your membership renews, while allowing you to continue to use all your Prime benefits in the meantime, giving you a little more time to make your mind up. 

However, if you’re adamant that you still want to cancel your Amazon Prime account, then click “End My Benefits” and continue to the final stage. 


5. Continue to Cancel 

How to Cancel Amazon Prime - Step 4

In a last-ditch effort to keep your business, Amazon will ask you to switch to a monthly plan if you’ve been paying annually. 

If that’s not for you, then click the “Continue to Cancel” button, and your Amazon Prime membership will discontinue at the end of the period you’ve paid for. The same applies if you were paying monthly. 

And that’s that. Your Amazon Prime membership has been canceled. 


How to Cancel Amazon Prime Trial

If you decide that Amazon Primes’ not for you, here’s what you need to do to cancel your free trial. 

The trial auto-renews into a full prime membership after 30 days, so make sure to set a reminder to cancel it within the 30 day trial period. 


“At the end of a free trial period, you’ll be automatically converted to a paid annual membership” – Amazon


To cancel your Amazon Prime trial, log in to your Amazon account, and navigate your way to “Manage Your Prime Membership.” 

From there, on the left-hand side of the page, click the “Cancel Free Trial” link if you wish to cancel it now and stop receiving all the benefits. 

Alternatively, you can choose “Do not Continue,” and you’ll still have access to all the benefits of Prime until the end of your free trial. Once your free trial ends, your membership will cancel, and your card will not be charged. 


“You will continue to enjoy your Amazon Prime benefits until your 30-day free trial period is over. Your registration will then be automatically cancelled and your payment method will not be debited.” – Amazon


Can I get another free trial of Amazon Prime?

That depends on when your last free trial was, but the short answer is Yes! 

Amazon customers are only eligible for one free trial of Amazon Prime every 12 months.

So, if you decide you want to go ahead with a Prime membership, but you’ve already canceled your free trial, then you’ll have to start with a paid membership to access the benefits of Prime. 

However, if it’s been more than a year after your first free trial, then you’ll be able to sign up for another 30-day free trial through your existing Amazon account.

You’ll more than likely notice some free trial ads on your account homepage and a promotional email or two if you’ve signed up for Amazons email notifications. 


Will I get a refund of my membership fee?

If you cancel your membership within three days of signing up, or within three days of converting from a free trial to a paid membership, then you can expect to receive a full refund of your membership fee

However, if at any point within the three business day period, you used any of the Prime benefits, Amazon will charge you the value of the prime benefits used. 

Amazon will offer you a full or partial refund of your membership fee depending on the benefits used:


“Paid members who have not placed an order using the benefits of Amazon Prime are eligible for a full refund. Paying members who have only used Amazon Prime delivery benefits may be eligible for a partial refund. If the other benefits (Prime Video, Prime Music, Twitch) have been used, members are not eligible for a refund” – Amazon


So, if you haven’t used any of the benefits since your card was charged, then you should be eligible for a full refund. 

For example, if your membership renewed at the end of June and you realize in mid-July that you want to cancel your membership, then you’re entitled to a full refund unless you had used any Prime services or placed a Prime order. 


How to get a Prime membership for less 

If you’re not willing to pay $119 a year for full membership, then here’s a couple of ways you can still get access to some of the benefits of Prime, at a fraction of the cost. 

The first way is for anyone that likes to make most of their purchases at certain times of the year. If that’s you, then sign up for an Amazon Prime free trial, or start a monthly subscription, load up on all your purchases in one go, and cancel the membership after you’ve completed your order.

It takes some planning, but if done right, you could benefit from free shipping, within one-or-two days, bulk discounts, and you’ll only have to make those purchases once or twice a year depending on your schedule.

Just bear in mind that if you don’t cancel your membership and leave the monthly payment going, it will end up costing you more across a year, $155.88 to be exact, than if you were to have bought an annual membership. 

If you’re not the type of person that uses Amazon a lot for shopping, but you’d still like to use their streaming services, then you can purchase a Prime Video membership for $8.99, saving you quite a lot over a year when compared to the standard $12.99 membership fee.  



We hope our how-to cancel your Amazon Prime membership guide was helpful!

Amazon Prime is undoubtedly an excellent service, there’s no question about that, but it’s not what you’d call an essential service. 

It all comes down to how much value it brings to your life in comparison to the cost. 

For us, we all have active Amazon Prime accounts, so I don’t think any of our team will be following this guide any time soon!

Here’s a quick recap of how to cancel your Amazon Prime membership: 

  1. Sign into Amazon Prime
  2. Locate Your Prime Membership
  3. Click End Membership & Benefits
  4. Click End My Benefits
  5. Continue to Cancel


Did you manage to cancel your Amazon Prime membership? Leave a comment below.

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How to Cancel Your Netflix Subscription

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How to Cancel Your Netflix Subscription

Are you looking to cancel your Netflix subscription? 

Well, you’ll find everything you need to know listed below.

Canceling your Netflix subscription depends on how you signed up to the streaming platform to begin with. 

So, we’ve listed various ways to cancel your account in a series of simple steps.

Here’s how to cancel your Netflix subscription:


How to Cancel Your Netflix Subscription

This how-to guide and figures mentioned below have been compiled from various sources around the web, such as Netflix & Wikipedia.

Here’s how to cancel your Netflix subscription:


How to Cancel Your Netflix Subscription Using a Web Browser

Cancel Netflix Subscription on Web Browser

Use this method if you signed up for your Netflix account through their website and are billed directly by Netflix. 


1. Go to

Open a web browser and go to You can do this on your computer, phone, or tablet.


2. Click on your profile photo

This can be found in the top right-hand corner of the page. A drop-down menu will expand. 


3. Click “Account” in the menu

Scroll down in the menu and click “Account”. 


4. Click “Cancel Membership”

On the “My Account” page, under Membership and Billing, click the “Cancel Membership” button. 

If you do not see an option to cancel your Netflix account at this stage, then you’re not being billed directly by Netflix.

Instead, you’ll see the service in which you are subscribed, such as iTunes, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and Android. 

Find out which one you’re subscribed to and follow the steps below to cancel. 


5. Confirm your cancelation

You’ll be taken to a confirmation page where you’ll be asked to confirm your termination. Click the blue “Finish Cancelation” button and your Netflix subscription will be terminated. 

Access to your account will continue until the end of your current billing cycle, and you’ll not be billed again.  


How to Cancel Your Netflix Subscription Using iTunes

Cancel Netflix Subscription Itunes

If your Netflix account is billed through iTunes, you can cancel it using your iPhone or iPad. Here’s how: 


1. On your iOS device, open the “Settings” app.

Depending on how you’ve set up your iPhone, you’ll find the settings app either on your home screen, in a folder, or by searching for it. 


2. Tap on your name

You’ll find it at the very top of your screen.


3. Tap “iTunes & App Store”

You can’t miss it. It’s at the very top of your screen. 


4. Tap your Apple ID

Your Apple ID is the email address associated with your apple account and can be found at the top of the page. Once you tap it, a new menu will appear. 


5. Tap “View Apple ID” on the menu

Once you tap this, you might be promoted to complete some security questions or other methods of verification. 


6. Tap “Subscriptions”

Scroll down to the middle of the page. The “Subscriptions” button will be visible. 


7. Tap “Netflix Subscription” 

In your list of active subscriptions, you should be able to locate Netflix. Once you do, tap it, and details about your subscription will appear. 

However, if you don’t see Netflix listed within your subscriptions, then it’s more than likely you signed up using an alternative method or a different Apple ID. 


8. Tap “Cancel Subscription”

This is found at the bottom of the page. Once tapped, you can expect to be greeted with a confirmation message. 


9. Tap “Confirm”

If you’re 100% sure that you want to cancel your Netflix subscription, tap “Confirm” and your subscription will be terminated.

You can continue to use the service until the final date of your current billing cycle. 


How to Cancel Your Netflix Subscription on Google Play

Cancel Netflix Subscription Google Play

If your Netflix account is billed through the Google Play Store, here’s what you need to do. 


1. Open Google Play Store on your Android device

You’ll find the app in your Android’s app drawer. If you don’t have access to an Android device, sign in to and continue from Step 3. 


2. Tap the “Hamburger” menu

Look for an icon with three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other. It should be in the top-left corner of the screen. 


3. Tap “Subscriptions” on the menu

Once you tap this, a list of all your Google Play subscriptions will appear. 


4. Tap “Netflix”

You’ll be able to view your account information, including your renewal date. 


5. Tap “Cancel Subscription”

Under “Membership & Billing” tap “Cancel Subscription” and you’ll be directed to a confirmation page. 


6. Tap “Cancel Subscription” to confirm

On the confirmation page, tap “Cancel Subscription” once again to confirm the termination of your subscription. 

Access to your account and features will continue until the final date of your current billing cycle. 


How to Cancel Your Netflix Subscription on Amazon Prime

Cancel Netflix Subscription on Amazon Prime

If you added Netflix as a channel to your Amazon Prime account, then follow the steps below to cancel your Netflix subscription. 


1. Visit

Go to the top right-hand corner of your browser and click “Sign In.”


2. Click “Account & Lists”

You’ll find this close to the top right-hand corner of the page. Once clicked, a drop-down menu will appear. 


3. Click “Memberships & Subscriptions”

It’s located under the “Your Account” section on the expanded menu. 


4. Locate “Netflix” and Click “Cancel Channel”

This can be found under “Your Channels”, which is close to the bottom of the page. Expect to see a confirmation screen appear. 


5. Click “Cancel Channel”

To confirm canceling your Netflix account, click the “Cancel Channel” button. Your Netflix account will discontinue after the final date of your current billing cycle. 


How to Cancel Your Netflix Subscription on an Apple TV

Cancel Netflix Subscription Apple TV

If you signed up for Netflix on your Apple TV, then follow these simple steps to cancel your Netflix subscription. 


1. Go to your Apple TV home screen

Turn your TV, and Apple TV on and go to the home screen. 


2. Select “Settings”

From the home screen, locate and click on “Settings”.


3. Select “Accounts”

Once inside the settings menu, find and click on “Accounts.” 


4. Select “Manage Subscriptions”

Look for the “Subscriptions” header, and there you’ll find “Manage Subscriptions.” 


5. Choose your “Netflix” Subscription

Under “Manage Subscriptions”, choose your Netflix subscription. It will then present you with information about your subscription. 


6. Choose “Cancel Subscription”

The “Cancel Subscription” button will appear and you’ll receive a confirmation message once clicked. 


7. Confirm Netflix Cancelation

From there, follow the instructions given, and your Netflix account will be terminated. You’ll still be able to use your account until the last date of your current billing cycle. 


Netflix is Making it Easier to Cancel

Netflix is making it easier for users to cancel their subscription. They’re sending out an automated prompt to all users that have not watched anything on Netflix for more than a year after they joined.

The in-app messages and emails will ask users if they wish to continue paying for their accounts. If they don’t, users can follow instructions to cancel it themselves, or just wait, and Netflix will automatically cancel their subscription. 


What if I Change My Mind? 

Not to worry, in a recent blog post, Eddy Wuu, Director of Product Innovation at Netflix, confirmed that “anyone who cancels their account and then rejoins within 10 months will still have their favorites, profiles, viewing preferences and account details just as they left them.”

This is excellent news if you’re on the fence about canceling your Netflix account. Effectively, you’ve got 10 months to decide if the service brings enough value to your life to justify the price, and if it does, you can pick up right where you left off. 

And, if you decide not to continue within the 10 months, then choosing to cancel your Netflix account was the right decision after all! 



We hope our how-to cancel your Netflix subscription guide was helpful?

Netflix is another one of our favorite services. We use it all the time, particularly for UFO documentaries and the latest films. 

So, I don’t think we’ll be following this guide anytime soon!

Here’s a quick recap of how to cancel your Netflix subscription using a web browser: 

  1. Go to
  2. Click on your profile photo
  3. Click “Account” in the menu
  4. Click “Cancel Membership”
  5. Confirm your cancelation

Did you manage to cancel your Netflix subscription without a hitch? Leave a comment below.

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