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200 Greatest Instagram Quotes About Success



200 Greatest Instagram Quotes to Motivate You

Which are your favorite Instagram quotes?

We’ve put together a whopping collection of the 200 greatest Instagram quotes, compiled from 4 different accounts.

The motivational quotes you’re about to see below are from @Beyondtheknight, @Thebossfiles, @6amSuccess@MillionaireMentor, and of course Wealthy Gorilla.


200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

Aspire not to have more, but to be more. - Oscar Romero quote

1. “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.”

“One day reality will be better than my dreams.” - MS. Dhoni quote

2. “One day reality will be better than my dreams.”

“Direction is more important than speed.” - Richard L. Evans quote

3. “Direction is more important than speed.”

“It’s hunting season.” - quote

4. “It’s hunting season.”

“Go where you feel most alive.” - quote

5. “Go where you feel most alive.”

“Never say never, because limits like fears, are often just an illusion.” - Michael Jordan quote

6. “Never say never, because limits like fears, are often just an illusion.”

“It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light.” - Michael Phelps quote

7. “It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light.”

“There’s magic in momentum. Use it.” - quote

8. “There’s magic in momentum. Use it.”

“Your potential is limitless.” - Marie Forleo quote

9. “Your potential is limitless.”

“Your imagination is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” - Albert Einstein quote

10. “Your imagination is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

“Be the hero of your own story.” - Greg Boyle quote

11. “Be the hero of your own story.”

“Believe in your dreams. They were given to you for a reason.” - Katrina Mayer quote

12. “Believe in your dreams. They were given to you for a reason.”

“The sky was never the limit.” quote

13. “The sky was never the limit.”

“risk is better than regret.” quote

14. “risk is better than regret.”

“Do or do not, there is no try.” - quote

15. Do or do not, there is no try.”

“Become <a class= the game-changer.” – quote” width=”600″ height=”600″>

16. “Become the game-changer.”

“Enter action with boldness.” - quote

17. “Enter action with boldness.”

“The best thing I ever did was believe in myself.” - quote

18. “The best thing I ever did was believe in myself.”

“Once you become fearless, you become limitless.” - quote

19. “Once you become fearless, you become limitless.”


20th of 200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

“Brilliance is not a skill. It’s an attitude.” - quote

20. “Brilliance is not a skill. It’s an attitude.”

“Stay Hungry.” - quote

21. “Stay Hungry.”

“Mind data-srcset= Matter” – quote” width=”600″ height=”600″>

22. “Mind > Matter”

“Rule number one: Believe in yourself.” - quote

23. “Rule number one: Believe in yourself.”

“The best way out is always through.” - quote

24. “The best way out is always through.”

“The vision must be followed by the venture. Do not simply stare but climb.” - quote

25. “The vision must be followed by the venture. Do not simply stare but climb.”

“Good is the enemy of greatness.” - quote

26. “Good is the enemy of greatness.”

“New day. New goals. More Accomplishments.” - quote

27. “New day. New goals. More Accomplishments.”

“People may have more talent than you, but that’s not excuse for them to outwork you.” - quote

28. “People may have more talent than you, but that’s not excuse for them to outwork you.”

“I don’t reach limits. I break them.” - quote

29. “I don’t reach limits. I break them.”

“F*** limits.” - quote

30. “F*** limits.”

“It’s not about the money, it’s about the freedom.” - quote

31. “It’s not about the money, it’s about the freedom.”

“The future is bright. Keep looking up.”- quote

32. “The future is bright. Keep looking up.”

“None of us is as smart as all of us.” - quote

33. None of us is as smart as all of us.”

“Breathing dreams like air.” - quote

34. “Breathing dreams like air.”

“Believe in the dream.” - quote

35. “Believe in the dream.”

“No risk, no reward.” - quote

36. “No risk, no reward.”

“If you woke up without a goal, go the f*** back to bed.” - quote

37. “If you woke up without a goal, go the f*** back to bed.”

“Limits only exist in your mind.” - quote

38. “Limits only exist in your mind.”

“I will always face my worst fear. That is what makes me so successful.” - quote

39. “I will always face my worst fear. That is what makes me so successful.”


40th of 200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

“Logic will take you from point A to point B. Imagination will take you anywhere.” - quote

40. Logic will take you from point A to point B. Imagination will take you anywhere.”

“What’s your excuse?” - quote

41. “What’s your excuse?”

“F*** fear.” - quote

42. “F*** fear.”

“I’m already visualizing my next attack.” - quote

43. “I’m already visualizing my next attack.”

“Stay hungry. It’s that simple.” - quote

44. “Stay hungry. It’s that simple.”

“You don’t need a new day to start over. You need a new mindset.” - quote

45. “You don’t need a new day to start over. You need a new mindset.”

“Life to your legend. Death to your fears.” - quote

46. “Life to your legend. Death to your fears.”

“Alone you go fast. Together you go far.” - quote

47. “Alone you go fast. Together you go far.”

“Get up. Get ready. Get big.” - quote

48. “Get up. Get ready. Get big.”

“We don’t stop until we win.” - quote

49. “We don’t stop until we win.”

“The power of imagination makes us infinite.” - quote

50. “The power of imagination makes us infinite.”

“We run not only to be in the race, but also to win.” - quote

51. “We run not only to be in the race, but also to win.”

“Impossible is nothing.” - quote

52. “Impossible is nothing.”

“If it was easy, everyone would do it.” - quote

53. “If it was easy, everyone would do it.”

“You are <a class= the creator to your own destiny.” – quote” width=”600″ height=”600″>

54. “You are the creator to your own destiny.”

“Trust your instincts.” - quote

55. “Trust your instincts.”

“The sky was never the limit.” - quote

56. “The sky was never the limit.”

“I didn’t come this far to only come this far.” - quote

57. “I didn’t come this far to only come this far.”

“Active over passive. Risk over regret.” - quote

58. Active over passive. Risk over regret.”

“Adversity causes most people to break but others to break records.” - quote

59. “Adversity causes most people to break but others to break records.”


60th of 200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

“No alarm clock is needed. My passion is enough.” - quote

60. “No alarm clock is needed. My passion is enough.”

“Never give in. Never back down.” - quote

61. “Never give in. Never back down.”

“Confuse them with silence. Amaze them with action.” - quote

62. “Confuse them with silence. Amaze them with action.”

“I used to believe in myself, but now I know in myself.” - quote

63. “I used to believe in myself, but now I know in myself.”

“Do what is great, not what is easy.” - quote

64. “Do what is great, not what is easy.”

“Fear defeats losers. Fear inspires winners.” - quote

65. “Fear defeats losers. Fear inspires winners.”

“Limits? Never heard of ’em.” - quote

66. “Limits? Never heard of ’em.”

“You are the story teller to your own life. Create your own legend.” - quote

67. “You are the story teller to your own life. Create your own legend.”

“The strength of the wolf is the pack.” - quote

68. “The strength of the wolf is the pack.”

“You underestimated greatly.” - quote

69. “You underestimated greatly.”

“The best revenge is massive success.” - quote

70. “The best revenge is massive success.”

“My life. My rules.” - quote

71. “My life. My rules.”

“A legendary day begins with a legendary mindset.” - quote

72. “A legendary day begins with a legendary mindset.”

“Visualize the person you want to become, then work for it.” - quote

73. “Visualize the person you want to become, then work for it.”

“There’s nothing like succeeding with style.” - quote

74. “There’s nothing like succeeding with style.”

“If it scares you it’s a sign you need to do it.” - quote

75. “If it scares you it’s a sign you need to do it.”

“I’ve accomplished everything they said I couldn’t have.” - quote

76. “I’ve accomplished everything they said I couldn’t have.”

“Shallow waters are noisy. Deep waters are silent.” - quote

77. “Shallow waters are noisy. Deep waters are silent.”

“Never mess with someone who is not afraid to lose. You will lose every time.” - quote

78. “Never mess with someone who is not afraid to lose. You will lose every time.”

“He who is a seeker is always a finder.” - quote

79. “He who is a seeker is always a finder.”


80th of 200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

“Every time you level up you will need a greater degree of courage to conquer the next.” - quote

80. “Every time you level up you will need a greater degree of courage to conquer the next.”

“It’s time to leave your comfort zone. Your real life awaits you.” - quote

81. It’s time to leave your comfort zone. Your real life awaits you.”

“The craziest circumstances create the best opportunities.” - quote

82. “The craziest circumstances create the best opportunities.”

“When life’s path is steep. Keep your mind even.” - quote

83. “When life’s path is steep. Keep your mind even.”

“Life moves fast. Enjoy the ride.” - quote

84. “Life moves fast. Enjoy the ride.”

“The world is a canvas to our imagination.” - quote

85. “The world is a canvas to our imagination.”

“Excuse me while I kiss the sky.” - quote

86. “Excuse me while I kiss the sky.”

“Failure is never fatal. But failing to change might be.” - quote

87. “Failure is never fatal. But failing to change might be.”

“Clear all distractions. Focus on the main thing.” - quote

88. “Clear all distractions. Focus on the main thing.”

“Enjoy all of life’s precious moments.” - quote

89. “Enjoy all of life’s precious moments.”

“Some get lost in the fire. Others are forged by it.” - quote

90. “Some get lost in the fire. Others are forged by it.”

“It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone.” - quote

91. “It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone.”

“Never let them see you coming.” - quote

92. “Never let them see you coming.”

“If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.” - quote

93. “If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.”

“Fear is nothing more than a state of mind.” - quote

94. “Fear is nothing more than a state of mind.”

“Move towards what scares you.” - quote

95. “Move towards what scares you.”

“We attract what we want, but not as much as we attract what we are.” - quote

96. “We attract what we want, but not as much as we attract what we are.”

“You’re never given a dream without being given the power to make it happen.” - quote

97. “You’re never given a dream without being given the power to make it happen.”

“Make moves in silence. Success will make the noise.” - quote

98. “Make moves in silence. Success will make the noise.”

“If you can’t find an opportunity, create your own.” - quote

99. “If you can’t find an opportunity, create your own.”


100th of 200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

“People will laugh at your dreams, then hate you when you make them come true.” - quote

100. “People will laugh at your dreams, then hate you when you make them come true.”

“F*** what people say and do what makes you happy.” - quote

101. F*** what people say and do what makes you happy.”

“Your children will follow your example. Not your advice.” - quote

102. “Your children will follow your example. Not your advice.”

“The clear the vision, the stronger the momentum.” - quote

103. “The clear the vision, the stronger the momentum.”

“Our futures are formed by the thoughts we hold most often.” - quote

104. “Our futures are formed by the thoughts we hold most often.”

“You don’t get to the top by following the rules.” - quote

105. “You don’t get to the top by following the rules.”

“Are you living a life that is worth re-living?” - quote

106. “Are you living a life that is worth re-living?”

“You’re going to change the world.” - quote

107. “You’re going to change the world.”

Greatest Instagram Quotes30


“I don’t have bad days. They’re all just different shades of legendary.” - quote

109. “I don’t have bad days. They’re all just different shades of legendary.”

“I refuse to be anything less than successful.” - quote

110. “I refuse to be anything less than successful.”

“If you’re not grateful now, you won’t be later.” - quote

111. “If you’re not grateful now, you won’t be later.”

“It’s hard to stop someone who knows where they’re going.” - quote

112. “It’s hard to stop someone who knows where they’re going.”

“Everybody loves you until you become the competition.” - quote

113. “Everybody loves you until you become the competition.”

“Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.” - quote

114. “Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.”

“Risk is better than regret.” - quote

115. “Risk is better than regret.”

“Never announce your moves before you make them.” - quote

116. “Never announce your moves before you make them.”

“I’m coming for everything they said I couldn’t have.” - quote

117. “I’m coming for everything they said I couldn’t have.”

“I’m already planning my next move.” - quote

118. “I’m already planning my next move.”

“Everybody wants to be a beast, until it’s time to do what real beasts do.” - quote

119. “Everybody wants to be a beast, until it’s time to do what real beasts do.”


120th of 200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

“Brilliance begins by considering what could be possible.” - quote

120. “Brilliance begins by considering what could be possible.”

“Limits only exist in your mind.” - quote

121. “Limits only exist in your mind.”

“We run not only to be in the race, but also to win.” - quote

122. “We run not only to be in the race, but also to win.”

“I earned this life. I had to conquer myself just to get it.” - quote

123. “I earned this life. I had to conquer myself just to get it.”

“Whatever you imagine, you create.” - quote

124. “Whatever you imagine, you create.”

“We don’t have friends. We only have family.” - quote

125. “We don’t have friends. We only have family.”

“Everything that you have ever wanted is right in front of you. Not behind you.” - quote

126. “Everything that you have ever wanted is right in front of you. Not behind you.”

“Go where you feel most alive.” - quote

127. “Go where you feel most alive.”

“Your future self is a collection of numerous current selves.” - quote

128. “Your future self is a collection of numerous current selves.”

“Man is never quite so near success as when failure has overtaken him.” - quote

129. “Man is never quite so near success as when failure has overtaken him.”

“If you’re looking for a sign to do something you’ve been wanting to do… this is it.” - quote

130. “If you’re looking for a sign to do something you’ve been wanting to do… this is it.”

“Do it for the freedom.” - quote

131. “Do it for the freedom.”

“Vision is the act of seeing what is invisible to others.” - quote

132. “Vision is the act of seeing what is invisible to others.”

“We rise by lifting others.” - quote

133. “We rise by lifting others.”

“Defeat is a state of mind. No one is ever defeated until it is accepted as reality.” - quote

134. “Defeat is a state of mind. No one is ever defeated until it is accepted as reality.”

“There is no opponent. I am against myself, and I know I can beat myself.” - quote

135. “There is no opponent. I am against myself, and I know I can beat myself.”

“Tomorrow is the enemy of today.” - quote

136. “Tomorrow is the enemy of today.”

“It’s in our darkest moments we must search for the light.” - quote

137. “It’s in our darkest moments we must search for the light.”

“To be a part of the 1%, you must be prepared to do what the other 99% do not.” - quote

138. “To be a part of the 1%, you must be prepared to do what the other 99% do not.”

“You can’t overnight success.” - quote

139. “You can’t overnight success.”


140th of 200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

“There is no shortage of money in the world, yet there is a shortage of people actually going after it!” - quote

140. “There is no shortage of money in the world, yet there is a shortage of people actually going after it!”

“When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say why me? “Try me!”” - quote

141. “When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say why me? “Try me!””

“One day this pain will make sense to you.” - quote

142. “One day this pain will make sense to you.”

“To succeed: Jump as quickly at opportunities as you do to conclusions.” - quote

143. “To succeed: Jump as quickly at opportunities as you do to conclusions.”

“Wake up, get off the couch, show up on time, work your ass off. Surprise somebody!” - quote

144. “Wake up, get off the couch, show up on time, work your ass off. Surprise somebody!”

“Where you start is not nearly as important as where you finish.” - quote

145. “Where you start is not nearly as important as where you finish.”

“Work like there is someone working 24 hours a day to take it all away from you.” - quote

146. “Work like there is someone working 24 hours a day to take it all away from you.”

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” - quote

147. “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

“Fall seven times, stand up eight.” - quote

148. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.”

“Never plan a future with people who don’t have future plans.” - quote

149. “Never plan a future with people who don’t have future plans.”

“Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being like everyone else.” - quote

150. “Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being like everyone else.”

“Don’t expect people to understand your grind when God didn’t give them your vision.” - quote

151. “Don’t expect people to understand your grind when God didn’t give them your vision.”

“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.” - quote

152. “The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.”

“Your biggest risk will be the one you don’t take.” - quote

153. “Your biggest risk will be the one you don’t take.”

“A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.” - quote

154. “A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.”

“If you can count your money, then go back to work.” - quote

155. “If you can count your money, then go back to work.”

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” - quote

156. “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

“Hustle in silence. Let your success make noise.” - quote

157. “Hustle in silence. Let your success make noise.”

“Life is a game. Money is how we keep score.” - quote

158. “Life is a game. Money is how we keep score.”

“Overthinking kills your happiness and dreams.” - quote

159. “Overthinking kills your happiness and dreams.”


160th of 200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

“Hard work beats talent.” - quote

160. “Hard work beats talent.”

“You say I dream too big. I say you think too small.” - quote

161. “You say I dream too big. I say you think too small.”

“Don’t let the fear of falling, keep you from flying.” - quote

162. “Don’t let the fear of falling, keep you from flying.”

“Success is nothing without someone you love to share it with.” - quote

163. “Success is nothing without someone you love to share it with.”

“Nobody cares. Work harder.” - quote

164. “Nobody cares. Work harder.”

“The biggest risk of all is not taking any.” - quote

165. “The biggest risk of all is not taking any.”

“The smarter you get, the less you speak.” - quote

166. “The smarter you get, the less you speak.”

“I don’t want to be in a relationship. I want to be in a Lamborghini.” - quote

167. “I don’t want to be in a relationship. I want to be in a Lamborghini.”

“90% of people don’t care about your problems. 10% are glad you got them.” - quote

168. “90% of people don’t care about your problems. 10% are glad you got them.”

“You’re going to change the world.” - quote

169. “You’re going to change the world.”

“Rich people act broke. Poor people act rich.” - quote

170. “Rich people act broke. Poor people act rich.”

“Your goals don’t give a f*** about your excuses.” - quote

171. “Your goals don’t give a f*** about your excuses.”

“We all have problems. Boss up and solve them.” - quote

172. “We all have problems. Boss up and solve them.”

“Some people underestimate how sexy it is to be ambitious.” - quote

173. “Some people underestimate how sexy it is to be ambitious.”

“Monsters don’t sleep under the bed. They are all in your head.” - quote

174. “Monsters don’t sleep under the bed. They are all in your head.”

“Tough situations build strong people.” - quote

175. “Tough situations build strong people.”

“You are meant for something bigger.” - quote

176. “You are meant for something bigger.”

“Wherever your heart lies, that’s where you will find your treasure.” - quote

177. “Wherever your heart lies, that’s where you will find your treasure.”

“F*** an average life. Be legendary.” - quote

178. “F*** an average life. Be legendary.”

“A single move in the right direction can change your life.” - quote

179. “A single move in the right direction can change your life.”


180th of 200 Greatest Instagram Quotes

“You are either a shark or a fish in the ocean.” - quote

180. You are either a shark or a fish in the ocean.”

“‘Someday’ is the disease that kills dreams.” - quote

181. “‘Someday’ is the disease that kills dreams.”

“If one way isn’t working, create a new one.” - quote

182. “If one way isn’t working, create a new one.”

“Everyone loves you until you become the competition.” - quote

183. “Everyone loves you until you become the competition.”

“Work on yourself, by yourself, for yourself.” - quote

184. “Work on yourself, by yourself, for yourself.”

“The fear you face is less important than the goals you set.” - quote

185. “The fear you face is less important than the goals you set.”

“Be the person your dog thinks you are.” - quote

186. “Be the person your dog thinks you are.”

“To become wealthy, you have to be making money while you sleep.” - quote

187. “To become wealthy, you have to be making money while you sleep.”

“Work to live. Don’t live to work.” - quote

188. “Work to live. Don’t live to work.”

“99% of the things you worry about never even happen.” - quote

189. “99% of the things you worry about never even happen.”

“We don’t want to tell our dreams we want to show them.” - quote

190. “We don’t want to tell our dreams we want to show them.”

“Raise your standards and the universe will meet you there.” - quote

191. “Raise your standards and the universe will meet you there.”

“Unstoppable.” - quote

192. “Unstoppable.”

“Learn to be uncomfortable.” - quote

193. “Learn to be uncomfortable.”

“My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I used to be.” - quote

194. “My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I used to be.”

“My mission: life live on my own terms.” - quote

195. “My mission: life live on my own terms.”

“Your biggest risk will be the one you don’t take.” - quote

196. “Your biggest risk will be the one you don’t take.”

“The only way to get better is to surround yourself with better people.” - quote

197. “The only way to get better is to surround yourself with better people.”

“As you think, so shall you become.” - quote

198. “As you think, so shall you become.”

“Behind every successful man, there’s a strong, wise and hardworking woman.” - quote

199. “Behind every successful man, there’s a strong, wise and hardworking woman.”

“Cheers to all the people working on their dream and not working for the weekend.” - quote

200. “Cheers to all the people working on their dream and not working for the weekend.”



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Dan Western is a British journalist with a decade's worth of experience in researching financial information of the world's most influential people.

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Athlete Quotes

43 Motivational Peyton Manning Quotes



The Best Peyton Manning Quotes

Peyton Manning, now 40 years old, was a professional American football player. He played as a star quarterback in the NFL for 18 seasons.

He is considered to have been one of the best quarterbacks of all time, originally playing for the Indianapolis Colts, and finishing the last four season of his career playing for the Denver Broncos.

Check out our collection of the most motivational Peyton Manning quotes:


43 Motivational Peyton Manning Quotes

1. “I have to leave the games now if the announcer says something I don’t agree with. I’m thinking, ‘Peyton, it is not healthy to be all worked up before a game.'” – Peyton Manning

2. “Anyone who waits for someone else to make a change automatically becomes a follower.” – Peyton Manning

3. “Everybody is going to be excited to play in a Super Bowl. When you still enjoy the preparation and the work part of it, I think you ought to be still doing that. I think as soon as I stop enjoying it, if I can’t produce, if I can’t help a team, that’s when I will stop playing.” Peyton Manning

4. “I have to leave the games now if the announcer says something I don’t agree with. I’m thinking, ‘Peyton, it is not healthy to be all worked up before a game.’” – Peyton Manning

5. “I want to be out there every single snap, every single play.” – Peyton Manning

6. “I’m not 23 anymore. But the defensive ends and linebackers chasing me are. If I had to chose between youth and experience, I’d take experience every time.” – Peyton Manning

7. “I’m very humbled and I’m very honored. I certainly think about how grateful I am for all the teammates and coached that I’ve played with and played for throughout my career.” – Peyton Manning

8. “I’ve never left the field saying, ‘I could’ve done more to get ready,’ and that gives me peace of mind.” – Peyton Manning

9. “Imitation is obviously a great form of flattery.” – Peyton Manning

10. “It’s not wanting to win that makes you a winner; it’s refusing to fail.” – Peyton Manning

11. “My dad was a class person on and off the field. That’s the person I want to be.” – Peyton Manning


12th of 43 Peyton Manning Quotes

Peyton Manning Picture Quote 1

12. “Pressure is something you feel when you don’t know what the hell you’re doing.” – Peyton Manning

13. “Some people have this impression of me: ‘Boy, he’s always so serious on the field. Football. Football. Football.’” – Peyton Manning

14. “When you go through a significant injury and have a major career change, you truly do go one year at a time, and you don’t look past what’s going on now, because you are not sure what’s going to happen. Tomorrow is not promised.” – Peyton Manning

15. “You’ve got to remember what your priorities are. When you’re playing, what you do on the field is the most important thing.“ – Peyton Manning

16. “My high-school coach Tony Reginelli was kind of famous for ‘Reggie-isms,’ kind of like ‘Yogi-isms.’ He always said if you want to be a good quarterback, when sprinting left you want to be amphibious and throw left-handed. I told him, ‘You mean ambidextrous, coach?'” – Peyton Manning

17. “Being there every week for my teammates is really important to me. It’s all about accountability. I hear stuff about the ‘toughest quarterback in the league’ and all that; what’s that mean?” – Peyton Manning

18. “I don’t want to retire. I still want to play.” – Peyton Manning

19. “I pray every night, sometimes long prayers about a lot of things and a lot of people, but I don’t talk about it or brag about it because that’s between God and me, and I’m no better than anybody else in God’s sight.” – Peyton Manning

20. “I was never on a mission to be an NFL quarterback. I wanted to be a good high school player, and I worked hard at that. That made me good enough to play in college and then I wanted to be a good college quarterback. During college I played well enough to make it into the NFL. I never took it for granted and really wanted to play hard at each level and I have always had a lot of fun doing what I wanted to do.” – Peyton Manning

21. “I’m proud to be Archie’s son. Being a quarterback, I had my mentor and hero living in the same house.” – Peyton Manning

22. “I’ve been a Colt for almost all of my adult life, but I guess in life, and in sports, we all know nothing lasts forever. Times change, circumstances change, and that’s the reality of playing in the NFL.” – Peyton Manning


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“If nothing else in life, I want to be true to the things I believe in, and quite simply, to what I’m all about. I know I’d better, because it seems whenever I take a false step or two I feel the consequences.” – Peyton Manning


24. “It goes without saying, winning against a good team in a hostile crowd on the road, it’s just an absolutely huge win.” – Peyton Manning

25. “Life is about choices. You ask the questions and you listen to the answers. Then you listen to your heart.” – Peyton Manning

26. “My faith doesn’t make me perfect, it makes me forgiven.” – Peyton Manning

27. “Remind your critics when they say you don’t have the expertise or experience to do something that an amateur built the ark and the experts built the titanic.” – Peyton Manning


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28. “We’ve been working a long time for this and we want to accomplish our ultimate goal. We know what it takes.” – Peyton Manning

29. “When you take a year off from football, you come back for all the enjoyable moments. When you’re not playing, you miss out on all the highs, but you also miss these disappointments. But I would rather be in the arena to be excited or be disappointed than not have a chance at all. That’s football. That’s why everybody plays it.” – Peyton Manning

30. “The head coach tells us what to do, and we follow his orders.” – Peyton Manning

31. “Boy, do I hate to lose.” – Peyton Manning

32. “I guess, to tell you the truth, I’ve never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I’ve managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache.” – Peyton Manning

33. “I think I could describe the perfect quarterback. Take a little piece of everybody. Take John Elway’s arm, Dan Marino’s release, maybe Troy Aikman’s drop-back, Brett Favre’s scrambling ability, Joe Montana’s two-minute poise and, naturally, my speed.” – Peyton Manning

34. “I would like to think I will be a guy who knows when it’s time to stop. I don’t want to be a guy who hung on and on. I do not have a goal in mind of a year or a statistic.” – Peyton Manning

35. “I’m the best manning.” – Peyton Manning

36. “I’ve been being asked about my legacy since I was about 25 years old. I’m not sure you can have a legacy when you’re 25 years old. Even 37. I’d like to have to be, like, 70 to have a legacy. I’m not even 100 percent sure what the word even means.” – Peyton Manning

37. “If you work hard and you play well, all those critics quiet themselves pretty quickly.” – Peyton Manning


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“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.” – Peyton Manning


39. “My dad told us up front, ‘Guys, if you want to play sports, go ahead, but it’s your decision.’” – Peyton Manning

40. “My job is to play well offensively and help my team score points. So I feel very responsible every time we lose a game.” – Peyton Manning

41. “Some guys leave a place after a long time, and they’re bitter. Not me.” – Peyton Manning

42. “When people are watching you, it makes you think twice about what you do, and the things you say, and the people you hang around with.” – Peyton Manning

43. “You hear about how many fourth quarter comebacks that a guy has and I think it means a guy screwed up in the first three quarters.” – Peyton Manning


Peyton Manning Motivational Video

Check out our other NFL quotes on Tom Brady and Marshawn Lynch!

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Actor Quotes

25 Inspirational Robert De Niro Quotes



The Best Robert De Niro Quotes

Robert De Niro is an American/Italian actor and producer;

At 73 years old, he’s had an incredibly successful career, and starred in a ridiculous number of films. Far too many to list, but here’s a few of the highlights:

  • The Godfather Part II
  • Silver Linings
  • Analyze This
  • The Intern
  • Casino
  • Meet the Fockers
  • Goodfellas
  • Grudge Match

We’ve put together this small, yet inspirational collection of the best Robert De Niro quotes:


25 Inspirational Robert De Niro Quotes

1. “You learned the two greatest thing in life, never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.” – Robert De Niro

2. “The talent is in the choices.” – Robert De Niro

3. “One of the things about acting is it allows you to live other people’s lives without having to pay the price.” – Robert De Niro

4. “You’ll have time to rest when you’re dead.” – Robert De Niro

5. “I love to find new people. It’s not for the sake of their being new; it’s because if you find someone who perfectly fits a part, that’s such a great thing.” – Robert De Niro

6. “It’s important not to indicate. People don’t try to show their feelings, they try to hide them.” – Robert De Niro

7. “Time goes on. So whatever you’re going to do, do it. Do it now. Don’t wait.” – Robert De Niro

8. “Money makes your life easier. If you’re lucky to have it, you’re lucky.” – Robert De Niro

9. “The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you.” – Robert De Niro


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“There’s nothing more ironic or contradictory than life itself.” – Robert De Niro


11. “I didn’t have a problem with rejection, because when you go into an audition, you’re rejected already. There are hundreds of other actors. You’re behind the eight ball when you go in there.” – Robert De Niro

12. “In acting, I always try to go back to what would actually be the real situation, the real human behavior in life.” – Robert De Niro

13. “I think it’s important to have had at least a few years of obscurity, where people treat you like everybody else.” – Robert De Niro

14. “I don’t like to watch my own movies – I fall asleep in my own movies.” – Robert De Niro

15. “I don’t get into these long-winded heavy discussions about character – do we do this or that or what. At the end of the day, what you gotta do is just go out there and do it.” – Robert De Niro

16. “With ‘Silver Linings,’ I didn’t feel – I was thinking of certain things, but I just said, ‘Let me go with it.’ You have to know what you’re doing, where you’re going with the scenes, and I put a lot of work into that. But when you’re out there, at the same time you gotta be ready for anything.” – Robert De Niro


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17. “Don’t be afraid to do what your instincts tell you.” – Robert De Niro


18. “You discovered a talent, developed an ambition and recognized your passion. When you feel that, you can’t fight it — you just go with it.” – Robert De Niro

19. “Life rarely changes you totally but it consistently changes you in details.” – Robert De Niro

20. “I don’t feel pressure. I like if anybody has interest in what I have to say, especially if they’re younger. If they like me, respect me, I’m honoured and I’ll give them my opinion.” – Robert De Niro

21. “I am also not one for regrets. I don’t regret any film I’ve made, because there was a reason for making it at the time. If it hasn’t worked out, then don’t spend time worrying about why and how. Just move on to the next project.” – Robert De Niro

22. “Being able to battle it out. No matter how you do it, you gotta hold your ground at times. Other times you’ve got to compromise. But never a compromise that you can’t live with.” – Robert De Niro

23. “If it’s the right chair, it doesn’t take too long to get comfortable in it.” – Robert De Niro

24. “Rejection might sting, but my feeling is that often, it has very little to do with you.” – Robert De Niro

25. “You’re not responsible for the entire job, but your part in it… You will put your everything into everything you do.” – Robert De Niro



Thanks for checking out this collection of quotes from Robert De Niro!

Which are your favorite Robert De Niro quotes? Leave a comment below.

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Athlete Quotes

25 Motivational Stephen Curry Quotes About Success



The Best Stephen Curry Quotes

Stephen Curry is a professional NBA player, currently playing as Point Guard for the Golden State Warriors. He’s considered to be one of the best shooters in NBA history.

Curry won the MVP (Most Valuable Player) award in 2015, and has won a number of other awards proving how successful he’s becoming at his sport.

If you’re a fan of motivational videos, do a quick search in YouTube for Stephen Curry motivation”, and you’ll see some awesome stuff.

This article is dedicated to the most motivational Stephen Curry quotes on basketball and success:


25 Motivational Stephen Curry Quotes

1. “I’ve never been afraid of big moments. I get butterflies… I get nervous and anxious, but I think those are all good signs that I’m ready for the moment.” – Stephen Curry

2. “I want to practice to the point where it’s almost uncomfortable how fast you shoot, so that in the game things kind of slow down.” – Stephen Curry

3. “Make sure you live in the moment and work your butt off every single day, and I hope I inspire people all around the world to just be themselves. Be humble, and be grateful for all the blessings in your life.– Stephen Curry

4. “Being a superstar means you’ve reached your potential, and I don’t think I’ve reached my potential as a basketball player and as a leader yet.” – Stephen Curry


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5. “Be the best version of yourself in anything that you do. You don’t have to live anybody else’s story.” – Stephen Curry


6. “We have to have the mentality that we have to work for everything we’re going to get.” – Stephen Curry

7. “Play like you’re in first. Train like you’re in second.” Stephen Curry

8. “If you take time to realize what your dream is and what you really want in life — no matter what it is, whether it’s sports or in other fields — you have to realize that there is always work to do, and you want to be the hardest working person in whatever you do, and you put yourself in a position to be successful. And you have to have a passion about what you do.” – Stephen Curry


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Stephen Curry Quotes

9. “If you don’t fall, how are you going to know what getting up is like?” – Stephen Curry


10. “I do a little sign on the court every time I make a shot or a good pass and i pound my chest and point to the sky – it symbolizes that I have a heart for God. It’s something that my mom and I came up with in college and I do it every time i step on the floor as a reminder of who I’m playing for.” – Stephen Curry


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11. “I’m not the guy who’s afraid of failure. I like to take risks, take the big shot and all that.” – Stephen Curry


12. “Success is not an accident, success is actually a choice.” – Stephen Curry

13. “Success comes after you conquer your biggest obstacles and hurdles.” – Stephen Curry


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14. “There’s more to me than just this jersey I wear.” – Stephen Curry


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15. “I’d rather be a non-All-Star playing in the Western Conference finals than an All-Star who’s sitting at home in May.” – Stephen Curry


16. “I can do all things.” – Stephen Curry

17. “Every time I rise up, I have confidence that I’m going to make it.” – Stephen Curry

18. “I can get better. I haven’t reached my ceiling yet on how well I can shoot the basketball.” – Stephen Curry

19. “I can’t say enough, how important my faith is to how I play the game and who I am.” – Stephen Curry


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20. “I really cherish everything that basketball brings; and I think, for me, it’s been a great ride and I’m not done yet…” – Stephen Curry


21. “Success is born out of faith, an undying passion, and a relentless drive.” – Stephen Curry

22. “Each game is an opportunity to be on a great stage and be a witness for Christ. When I step on the floor, people should know who I represent, who I believe in.” – Stephen Curry


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23. “Basketball was mine, and that’s what’s carried me to this point.” – Stephen Curry


24. “The more years I go, the more experience I have, the more that nutrition and eating the right foods is important for recovery and things like that.” – Stephen Curry

25. “It’s all about winning. Stats really don’t matter, I mean, guys have great series and all that, and people take notice and take their place in history with those stats and all that stuff. But at the end of the day, it’s all about winning and what you can do to help your team get to that point.” – Stephen Curry



As always, I hope you love the quotes we’re publishing here guys, and let us know if there’s any other NBA player quotes you want us to publish on Wealthy Gorilla.

Which are your favorite Stephen Curry quotes? Leave a comment below.

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