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Actor Quotes

50 Wonderful Ellen Barkin Quotes

Zisilia Alvsa



Ellen Barkin Quotes

Which are your favorite Ellen Barkin quotes?

Ellen Barkin is an American actress and producer.

She first gained public attention after she made an appearance in the film ‘Diner.’

She has received a Primetime Emmy Award for her role in the television film ‘Before Women Had Wings’ in 1997.

After her breakthrough, she booked several notable roles in films like The Big Easy’ and ‘Sea of Love.’

Throughout her career, she has been featured in many tv-series and movies. Other than acting, she also works behind the scene as a producer.

Here’s our collection of the best Ellen Barkin quotes:


50 Wonderful Ellen Barkin Quotes

1. “I studied acting for 10 years before I went for an audition. I studied with Lee Strasberg and Actors Studio teachers, and went to the High School of Performing Arts.” – Ellen Barkin

2. “Would you just strap some toe shoes on and dance ‘Swan Lake?’ No. Would you just put a violin in your hand and -? No. I felt that way about acting, and I was taught to feel that way. I didn’t come to it on my own.” – Ellen Barkin

3. “I’m just curious, who’s more fit to raise a child? A loving committed same-sex couple or an unmarried 15-year-old with no income and really no skills to parent?” – Ellen Barkin

4. “It is clear I was never the Pretty Girl. I had my two front teeth knocked out when I was 10 and didn’t fix them until I was 19. I have a crooked smile and a nose that looks like it’s been broken 12 times but never has been. My nose was always red, so people called me Rudolph. My whole face is off-center.” – Ellen Barkin

5. “What television has afforded us is just this wide world of experimentation.” – Ellen Barkin

6. “People tend to remember my performances, not me.” – Ellen Barkin

7. “Men who love their mothers treat women wonderfully. And they have enormous respect for women.” – Ellen Barkin

8. “I have skinny genes. My mother weighs 90 pounds.” – Ellen Barkin

9. “I guess if you’re lucky enough not to have to pay your rent, then you or I take much more seriously the kind of work that I do, what it takes for me to leave two teenagers of my own and six stepchildren and a husband and four grandchildren.” – Ellen Barkin


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10. “Skinniness is not your friend when you’re over 40. I’d like to gain a good 10 pounds, but I did always have a fat, round face that plagued me when I was young. When I started to make movies, I couldn’t look at myself.” – Ellen Barkin


11. “It’s no stretch to picture me standing next to Al Pacino or Robert De Niro. Those are ethnic New York men. I’m an ethnic New York girl. Everybody has their limitations. I mean, I should never be cast as Queen Elizabeth.” – Ellen Barkin

12. “I wish I had a little more ambition. But then what would I do? Turn down more roles with more vehemence? Me no likey worky.” – Ellen Barkin

13. “I remember my first friend who got sick. It was 1981, and the disease was called the gay cancer. I don’t think the word ‘AIDS’ came out until ’84. I just remember it being terrifying as more people got sick. We didn’t know how you could catch it, you heard all kinds of crazy things.” – Ellen Barkin

14. “No more bare bodies in film scenes for me. For my children’s sake, I must stop. The other kids at school keep throwing it up to my children, and they are not kind.” – Ellen Barkin

15. “I guess I worry about weird existential things, like how do we spend our final act. This is a very emotional question. I can’t answer it without crying. I think You’re 56 years old, what did you do? You raised two good kids. What am I going to do now that is as meaningful as that? I don’t know the answer yet.” – Ellen Barkin

16. “I like being married. I like taking care of people, having someone to make dinner for.” – Ellen Barkin

17. “Acting is a matter of giving away secrets.” – Ellen Barkin

18. “When a 12-year-old, a 13-year-old, so desperately wants a baby what she’s looking for is the kind of unconditional love a child gives a mother and a mother gives a child.” – Ellen Barkin

19. “I was trained by Method acting teachers and we were taught that aside from whatever gift you may or may not have or the level of that gift, that you were obliged to know how to build a table. It’s a craft. It’s like being a ballerina or a violinist.” – Ellen Barkin


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20. “My nickname was Skinabo – skin, and bones.” – Ellen Barkin


21. “I take unbelievably good care of my skin. I never go to bed without washing my face and I never wake up without washing my face. And I sleep in a mask every night I sleep alone.” – Ellen Barkin

22. “I would love to do a television show in New York City.” – Ellen Barkin

23. “I’d never say I’ll never have a facelift, but I’m way too scared of looking like a different person. I have no philosophical or political position on plastic surgery; I just don’t want to look crazy. And I don’t like not being able to tell how old someone is: It’s creepy.” – Ellen Barkin

24. “I worked with some really iconic actors of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and now. They really taught me a lot. I might not be as talented as they are, but I do have enough intelligence to try to help my younger [co-stars].” – Ellen Barkin

25. “You can’t go back again, even if you wanted to. But you can own your own life, mistakes and all.” – Ellen Barkin

26. “I have huge hands and feet. I’m 5’6″ and wear a size 10 shoe.” – Ellen Barkin

27. “I’m Method trained. How is this character like me? What does she think of her mother? What does her mother think of her? It’s like construction, and then, yes, you hope you’re talented and that the universe aligns and captures the kind of laborer’s work you’ve done and whatever else sprinkles down on you, and it’s all caught on film or onstage.” – Ellen Barkin

28. “I don’t want to be a mentor in my bedroom…” – Ellen Barkin

29. “A successful marriage isn’t necessarily one that lasts until you’re dead.” – Ellen Barkin


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30. “I eat cheese and salami and a lot of fried chicken. I eat a big bag of oatmeal-raisin cookies every night and I don’t gain weight. I still look OK as long as I’m dressed.” – Ellen Barkin


31. “My husband thinks he’s compromising if we have one cook instead of three.” – Ellen Barkin

32. “When I played Leonardo DiCaprio‘s mother, they liked that Leo had very hooded eyes and a rounded nose with a ball. They said They look like they could be mother and son.” – Ellen Barkin

33. “Television is very different than movies and stage. But it’s kind of reignited me. I see there’s a whole world of my own creativity that for some reason I’ve yet to tap into. Not just in terms of the character, but in terms of my own technique of acting.” – Ellen Barkin

34. “I just would never go audition, and yet I was in very visible places where people would come looking for actors. I say I’m lazy, though I’m sure if I were in therapy for a lot of years, it would turn out to be a lot more than laziness. After a while, it was, like, too embarrassing for me not to go on auditions. I had to be humiliated into it.” – Ellen Barkin

35. “I am to a fault an introspective person. But I am not a reflective person – except for a big mistake, and then I really think about it.” – Ellen Barkin

36. “My first movie was ‘Diner.’ My second movie was ‘Tender Mercies.’ I did really good work.” – Ellen Barkin

37. “I have no problem being 53. Why would I want to be 35 again? I want to discover who I am in my 50s. And if I tried too hard to look younger, it would seem that I was uncomfortable with who I am, wouldn’t it?” – Ellen Barkin

38. “I’m being given the room to take some big chances. At my age, that’s rare. I love this job.” – Ellen Barkin

39. “I’m tenacious, I think – I know – and I do also have a quality where if you tell me I can’t do something if I know I can’t do it I’m the first to raise my hand and say, ‘I can’t do that.’ But there is a big Bronx, New York Jew in me that just says, ‘Really? Really? You think I – yes, I can. I can do it. I can do it.” – Ellen Barkin


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40. “Normal Heart’ was my most transcendent moment as an actor.” – Ellen Barkin


41. “But one of the hardest things for me to do was to access anger. I could do it on stage. But when I did it on film it was hard for me. That probably has to do with the intimacy of film. And my own personal issues with expressing anger. So I had to learn how to do that.” – Ellen Barkin

42. “I am not a beautiful woman by [classical] standards. I have never felt that way nor have I ever felt that it was important for me to feel that way. What makes me an attractive woman comes from in here. [places hand on chest].” – Ellen Barkin

43. “You know, I don’t plan for the future and I never want to be anything I’m not. I don’t look over my shoulder. I was taught that by a brilliant acting teacher who was really a mentor of mine.” – Ellen Barkin

44. “There’s no slow build anymore where you get a little part, then you get a little better part, then a better part, until one day your agent calls you us and says, ‘guess what, you’re a movie star,’ and you say, Thank you!” – Ellen Barkin

45. “Gabriel Byrne is an extraordinary human being. We have two extraordinary kids and we work at it. We were always friends. He stuck by me through very hard times, and I hope he’d say the same about me.” – Ellen Barkin

46. “The more powerful you become, some people especially don’t like it that you’re a woman. I stick up for myself.” – Ellen Barkin

47. “There is a certain androgyny to my appeal.” – Ellen Barkin

48. “You’ve got a movie where the pro-choice family gives their daughter no choice. The pro-life family murders. What seems to be the good mother, the kind of hippie painter, sweet and cute mother has no love for her daughter really.” – Ellen Barkin

49. “There have been advances in the technology of beauty that I think are great. & you know what? Use it.” – Ellen Barkin

50. “I’m a little more extreme than a homebody. Unless there’s some event I really have to go to, I don’t like to leave my house.” – Ellen Barkin



Thanks for checking out this collection of quotes from Ellen Barkin! Don’t forget to share them on social media with your friends and family.

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Zisilia Alvsa is a writer for Wealthy Gorilla. Friends often call her Zii. She is a girl from Jakarta, Indonesia who currently lives in Bali. Zii loves photography and travelling.

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Actor Quotes

25 Inspirational Robert De Niro Quotes



The Best Robert De Niro Quotes

Robert De Niro is an American/Italian actor and producer;

At 73 years old, he’s had an incredibly successful career, and starred in a ridiculous number of films. Far too many to list, but here’s a few of the highlights:

  • The Godfather Part II
  • Silver Linings
  • Analyze This
  • The Intern
  • Casino
  • Meet the Fockers
  • Goodfellas
  • Grudge Match

We’ve put together this small, yet inspirational collection of the best Robert De Niro quotes:


25 Inspirational Robert De Niro Quotes

1. “You learned the two greatest thing in life, never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.” – Robert De Niro

2. “The talent is in the choices.” – Robert De Niro

3. “One of the things about acting is it allows you to live other people’s lives without having to pay the price.” – Robert De Niro

4. “You’ll have time to rest when you’re dead.” – Robert De Niro

5. “I love to find new people. It’s not for the sake of their being new; it’s because if you find someone who perfectly fits a part, that’s such a great thing.” – Robert De Niro

6. “It’s important not to indicate. People don’t try to show their feelings, they try to hide them.” – Robert De Niro

7. “Time goes on. So whatever you’re going to do, do it. Do it now. Don’t wait.” – Robert De Niro

8. “Money makes your life easier. If you’re lucky to have it, you’re lucky.” – Robert De Niro

9. “The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you.” – Robert De Niro


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“There’s nothing more ironic or contradictory than life itself.” – Robert De Niro


11. “I didn’t have a problem with rejection, because when you go into an audition, you’re rejected already. There are hundreds of other actors. You’re behind the eight ball when you go in there.” – Robert De Niro

12. “In acting, I always try to go back to what would actually be the real situation, the real human behavior in life.” – Robert De Niro

13. “I think it’s important to have had at least a few years of obscurity, where people treat you like everybody else.” – Robert De Niro

14. “I don’t like to watch my own movies – I fall asleep in my own movies.” – Robert De Niro

15. “I don’t get into these long-winded heavy discussions about character – do we do this or that or what. At the end of the day, what you gotta do is just go out there and do it.” – Robert De Niro

16. “With ‘Silver Linings,’ I didn’t feel – I was thinking of certain things, but I just said, ‘Let me go with it.’ You have to know what you’re doing, where you’re going with the scenes, and I put a lot of work into that. But when you’re out there, at the same time you gotta be ready for anything.” – Robert De Niro


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17. “Don’t be afraid to do what your instincts tell you.” – Robert De Niro


18. “You discovered a talent, developed an ambition and recognized your passion. When you feel that, you can’t fight it — you just go with it.” – Robert De Niro

19. “Life rarely changes you totally but it consistently changes you in details.” – Robert De Niro

20. “I don’t feel pressure. I like if anybody has interest in what I have to say, especially if they’re younger. If they like me, respect me, I’m honoured and I’ll give them my opinion.” – Robert De Niro

21. “I am also not one for regrets. I don’t regret any film I’ve made, because there was a reason for making it at the time. If it hasn’t worked out, then don’t spend time worrying about why and how. Just move on to the next project.” – Robert De Niro

22. “Being able to battle it out. No matter how you do it, you gotta hold your ground at times. Other times you’ve got to compromise. But never a compromise that you can’t live with.” – Robert De Niro

23. “If it’s the right chair, it doesn’t take too long to get comfortable in it.” – Robert De Niro

24. “Rejection might sting, but my feeling is that often, it has very little to do with you.” – Robert De Niro

25. “You’re not responsible for the entire job, but your part in it… You will put your everything into everything you do.” – Robert De Niro



Thanks for checking out this collection of quotes from Robert De Niro!

Which are your favorite Robert De Niro quotes? Leave a comment below.

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Actor Quotes

55 Tom Hardy Quotes About Life, Success & Acting



The Best Tom Hardy Quotes

Tom Hardy is one of my favorite actors of all time. Some of the roles he plays show exactly how hard he works as a performer. Here’s a quick list of some of the popular films he’s starred in:

  • Legend
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Revenant
  • Warriors

We’ve put together this incredible collection of the best Tom Hardy quotes of all time:


55 Admirable Tom Hardy Quotes

1. “A lot of people say I seem masculine, but I don’t feel it. I feel intrinsically feminine. I’d love to be one of the boys but I always felt a bit on the outside. Maybe my masculine qualities come from overcompensating because I’m not one of the boys.” – Tom Hardy

2. “I don’t fight really. I try not to fight, actually. I try not to react. I’m a Buddha floating on a lily pad.” – Tom Hardy

3. “I had no immediate knowledge of the world or Batman at all. I’m quite incubated. I just keep myself to myself and my dog.” – Tom Hardy

4. “I think I had only been working nine months when I got ‘Star Trek,’ and it was huge. It was very overwhelming. So that opened my eyes a bit at an early age, kind of how not be frightened when walking into a responsibility of something like that.” – Tom Hardy

5. “I’d learned how to lie and manipulate from an early age so a combination of that, desperation, having to have my own fridge and my umbilical cord back…I had to go out into the world. Then some angel somewhere said: “Have you considered going to drama school?” And this sounded like the solution to all of my problems.” – Tom Hardy

6. “I’m not interested in walks in the parks. Anything difficult that people think I couldn’t play, I’m straight at it. If they say ‘Tom, don’t put your hand in the fire’, you know I’ll be coming out of casualty an hour later with third-degree burns and bandages up my arms.” – Tom Hardy

7. “It’s funny in that because it is acting, and playing pretend, but I didn’t see myself being synonymous with these tough-guy roles. That’s not really me. I love acting. There was Bane, Warrior, Bronson, and now the Krays. I’m just surprised to be working, mate. Whatever gets me through the door.” – Tom Hardy


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8. “Spirituality seems to me to be for those who’ve been through hell.” – Tom Hardy

9. “There’s two types of acting: convincing and not convincing. People describe me as intense. It’s because I care. I am a pain in the ass because I care. Do I know what I’m doing? No. Do I have the best of intentions? Yes. Does that lead to hell? Sometimes.” – Tom Hardy

10. “You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.” – Tom Hardy

11. “And I like people. I like to know what you’re really up to. I’m a bit of a nosey busybody. Why do they do the things they do? Why are they prepared to do the things they do to get what they want? When? Where? Who?” – Tom Hardy

12. “I don’t like it when people say, “Well, you should have expected that when you accepted the jb as an actor. When you go to drama school, no one gives you a class on fame. Just treat people how you wish to be treated. Whether I’m married or not married, people will find out. But it’s also not something I’m going to offer.” – Tom Hardy

13. “I hate publicists and publicity. But I love people.” – Tom Hardy

14. “I think it’s important that you always transform if you can. That’s what I was trained to do. You try and hide yourself as much as you can – that’s the key to longevity.“ – Tom Hardy


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15. “I’m from a nice, suburban, idle-class family, but my tattoos remind me where I’ve been.” – Tom Hardy


16. “I’m very sensitive. Because my mum was my primary emotional caregiver growing up, I found myself being pinned into dresses, darting her dresses, choosing her high heels for the evening or what to wear. I’m very much a mommy’s boy” – Tom Hardy

17. “My father came from an intellectual and studious avenue as opposed to a brawler’s avenue. So I had to go further afield and I brought all kinds of unscrupulous oiks back home – earless, toothless vagabonds – to teach me the arts of the old bagarre.” – Tom Hardy

18. “Thanks for all the wonderful paintings and drawings and writings. I am very honoured to have your support, and love you for the energy and the inspiring work and comments that you bring to the table.” – Tom Hardy

19. “Vanity is normal in performers. Does it bother other people? All the time. But nine times out of ten, that says more about them than you.” – Tom Hardy

20. “As actors, we have the opportunity to work with many directors. Directors only work with themselves and other actors. They never know what it is like to work with another director. So that relationship that one has with a director is entirely always the king.” – Tom Hardy

21. “I find crying difficult. It takes a long time for me to go. And I won’t know what will send me. I’m quite sentimental. If my son tells me he loves me that will make me cry. Mr. Holland’s Opus, unbelievably, broke me. A random anomaly. Bambi would probably do me.” – Tom Hardy


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22. “I have a very busy head. I have inside voices that I have learned to contain.” – Tom Hardy


23. “I want to dispel that it’s all about celebrity-ism, I’m fucking bored of people looking at whose shoes are interesting and what hat is interesting. Storytelling is very important to people, it comforts them, unite us, cheers us up, we can affect change with these arts. We need to be entertained to connect.” – Tom Hardy

24. “I’m from East Sheen, I went to public school where I learned Latin at the age of nine, and certain expectations were made of me to go to St. Paul’s, Oxbridge maybe, and all that kind of thing. And I failed systematically to meet the mark – who I am and what I should have been are two very different things.” – Tom Hardy

25. “In the end there was nothing else I could do. I had a busy head and I didn’t really want to do things that I found boring. The only thing that kept my attention was to play and have fun and manipulate. I’ve always been a liar, always been able to manipulate. I pretty much get whatever I want.” – Tom Hardy

26. “My job is to show and tell. If I get better at showing and telling then presumably I get hired more.” – Tom Hardy

27. “The only thing I can do is wipe my arse, brush my teeth, turn up and do the best work I can.” – Tom Hardy


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28. “We are survivors. We control the fear. And without the fear, we are all as good as dead.” – Tom Hardy

29. “Fame and stuff like that is all very cool, but at the end of the day, we’re all human beings. Although what I do is incredibly surreal and fun and amazing and I’m really grateful for it, I don’t believe my own press release, do you know what I mean?” – Tom Hardy

30. “I get hired more then I get seen more. I get seen more then maybe celebrity and fame happens but at the end of the day there’s no difference between my five dollar performance and my fifty million dollar performance.”  – Tom Hardy

31. “I identify with having strong, powerful female influences in my life. Do you think that women are fairly represented in screenplays, film, TV, and theatre today? Or do you think there should be better parts for women than just girlfriend and wife or lover? Because I’m bored with that.” – Tom Hardy

32. “I wanted my dad to be proud of me, and I fell into acting because there wasn’t anything else I could do, and in it I found a discipline that I wanted to keep coming back to, that I love and I learn about every day.” – Tom Hardy

33. “I’m going to fail to hit the mark I’ve put up before me because it’s not possible to hit it. I want to be the best at what I do so I’ve got to get over myself already because that’s never going to happen. I ain’t ever going to be God.” – Tom Hardy


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34. “It doesn’t matter who you are. What matters is your plan.” – Tom Hardy


35. “No matter how much you can prepare for [auditions], there’s nothing worse than the anticipation. It’s always the killer of everything. The actuality of doing something is normally a lot easier than the waiting for it.” – Tom Hardy

36. “There’s a long way to go on that, but I do believe that the time is now.” – Tom Hardy

37. “We’re all flawed human beings and we all have a cauldron of psychosis which we have to unravel as we grow older and find the way we fit in to live our lives as best as possible.” – Tom Hardy

38. “I didn’t understand how you could do something which is so much fun and be so miserable doing it.” – Tom Hardy


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39. “I guess if I had fifty million dollars I could spend more time at home…” – Tom Hardy

40. “I mean there I was. One moment in Wandsworth Police Station on the way to Wormwood Scrubs, looking at 14 years, to this!” – Tom Hardy

41. “I was ashamed of not having any relevance… not being comfortable in my own skin. Huge ego, very low self-esteem. A lot of anger and rage and fear. It would be, ‘I’m not going to feel frightened so I’ll strangle the biggest guy in the bar and then no one will f**k with me’. I’ll get tattoos and people will know I’m not afraid to hurt myself and they’ll be like warning signs.” – Tom Hardy

42. “I’m here to challenge myself and to see whether I can shape-shift in an environment that’s actually quite daunting, but which I think would be nice to shine a light into. The destination of any interesting drama is that you shine a light into a place that not many people know about.” – Tom Hardy

43. “It is not the violence that sets a man apart, it is the distance he is prepared to go.” – Tom Hardy

44. “Responsibility has a cost, and there’s no such thing as a perfection.” – Tom Hardy


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45. “There’s always a certain pride in getting a job done properly.” – Tom Hardy


46. “When I was nine, I ran in a school race, and I suddenly realized I was in the lead. I looked at the finish line, and just freaked out, then ran to the side as if I’d hurt myself. It was everything to do with the fear of success.” – Tom Hardy

47. “I don’t feel very manly. I don’t feel rugged and strong and capable in real life, not how I imagine a man ought to be. So I seek it, to mimic it and maybe understand it, or maybe to draw it into my own reality. People who are scary, they terrify me, but I can imitate them. I’m not a fighter. I’m a petite little bourgeois boy from London. I don’t fight, I mimic.” – Tom Hardy

48. “I had a huge imagination. My granddad says I was a bit of a Walter Mitty character.” – Tom Hardy

49. “I play Xbox. I have a little boy to look after. I have dogs. You know, I have things to do. I would love to be able to sit down and watch something like a movie. I watch my own movies because I have to.” – Tom Hardy

50. “I went entirely off the rails and I’m lucky I didn’t have some terrible accident or end up in prison or dead, because that’s where I was going. Now I know my beast and I know how to manage it. It’s like living with a 400 pound orangutan that wants to kill me. It’s much more powerful than me, doesn’t speak the same language and it runs around the darkness of my soul.” – Tom Hardy

51. “I’m never lost in a character, ever. Everything is absolutely articulated and worked out and there’s no room for error. The only thing there is room for is inspiration in the moment because you’ve done your homework up to that point….” – Tom Hardy

52. “It was always in the cards for Michael. It was always in the cards for him. I’m not surprised about him at all, because he was awesome. Me, I don’t know how I got here! I feel like I just came from delivering pizza and I got lucky.” – Tom Hardy

53. “So, somewhere between that acceptance and doing my homework and being competitive and having ambition and loving my job and observing and reflecting my society, that’s where I find the purpose. Because man needs purpose.” – Tom Hardy

54. “There’s no feeling of, ‘I’ve got to be the best in the world.’ I’m going to be the best I can. I tell myself, it’s only storytelling and it’s going to be OK and you love doing this. Pick any one of the reasons to do it and, for the next five minutes, enjoy that.” It’s one thing being on top, but knowing what to do while you’re there is something else. Do you milk it for everything it’s worth or try to be choosy in order to gain some longevity?” – Tom Hardy

55. “Within the creative arts you can create things and destroy things. Passion creates and destroys.” – Tom Hardy



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Actor Quotes

50 Funny & Wonderful Bobby Lee Quotes

Zisilia Alvsa



Bobby Lee Quotes

Which are your favorite Bobby Lee quotes?

Bobby Lee is an American actor, podcaster, and comedian. He is best known for being a cast member on ‘MADtv’ from 2001 to 2009. Lee has appeared in films including ‘Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle’, ‘The Dictator’, and ‘Pineapple Express’. He also has a weekly podcast on YouTube with 485K subscribers.

Here’s our collection of the funniest Bobby Lee quotes:


50 Funny & Wonderful Bobby Lee Quotes

1. “You gotta understand, there are two different kinds of Asians – the kind who are good at school, obey their parents, go to college – that kind of stuff. And then you have my family – me, my brother, all of my cousins – were just wretched people.” – Bobby Lee

2. “I know I can get laughs anywhere, in front of any crowd, if I’m given the chance.” – Bobby Lee

3. “I never took an acting class, had never been on TV before. I learned everything from that show.” – Bobby Lee

4. “For a while last summer I was depressed because nothing was happening. It got to the point where people like me were getting films, so I decided to focus on stand-up. It kind of saved my life. I hate to be that dramatic, but I got a girlfriend and refocused my life on being more real and living a regular life rather than pursuing this other false goal of television and movie stardom.” – Bobby Lee

5. “I’m just trying to be honest, you know? And the podcast also kind of reinvented me, because I just…I would do shows, and I would sell some tickets, but now everything is sold out, and the people that show up to my shows are true fans because they know me from Tiger Belly, and the connection is stronger because I’m trying to be more honest.” – Bobby Lee

6. “People think I am crazy because they see me doing stand-up, but I am generally not. I am very sad. I’m one of those guys that lights candles and listens to Rachmaninoff.” – Bobby Lee

7. “You reach an audience that you didn’t quite know was there. I mean there’s a lot of my audience that doesn’t really watch mainstream television.” – Bobby Lee

8. “I miss being with all those guys. 8 years is a long time. You’re there with a bunch of guys and girls and you’re just doing silly shit. Life is completely different than that now.” – Bobby Lee

9. “I was homicidal. I don’t know why, I was just born that way. As I’ve gotten older, I’m more grounded and kind. I love my cats, my girlfriend, life and my family.” – Bobby Lee


10th of 50 Bobby Lee Quotes

10. “I learned what a mark was and that you don’t look at the camera.” – Bobby Lee


11. “I was raised in comedy in not the traditional way. ” – Bobby Lee

12. “My friends from MAD are not just friends, they’re family.” – Bobby Lee

13. “Stand-up is the only thing I have complete control over. There’s something to be said for that.” – Bobby Lee

14. “It’s good and bad. I remember doing some Asian magazine that came out, and I was completely naked in it.” – Bobby Lee

15. “I never wanted to be road comic.” – Bobby Lee

16. “Generally, I am just myself, a crazy John Belushi type. But I’m not comparing myself to him. I think I am against stereotypes. Generally, Asian guys are more quiet – they study and have a good work ethic. Generally, I have none of those things.” – Bobby Lee

17. “I don’t really fight it because who knows where it’s going to lead. I could die tomorrow. There probably isn’t a legacy for me, and I’m okay with that.” – Bobby Lee

18. “I would do the same act if I was doing a clean show actually.” – Bobby Lee

19. “I think I am against stereotype.” – Bobby Lee


20th of 50 Bobby Lee Quotes

20. “I think people just think I am crazy because they see me doing stand-up, but I am generally not.” – Bobby Lee


21. “It’s not that comedy has changed in terms of what’s funny. For me, it’s changed in that sometimes I don’t feel my finger is on the pulse.” – Bobby Lee

22. “I guess I am in handsome – in certain parts of the world.” – Bobby Lee

23. “My parents were traditional Korean immigrants, we just didn’t talk about anything.” – Bobby Lee

24. “When I feel down about myself and get kind of depressed, I go ‘Dude, you don’t really have a job and you’re making pretty good money, so just relax.” – Bobby Lee

25. “I went to Tokyo three years ago. It was a job, though. I did an ad campaign for IBM, so they flew me out there to take pictures of me. It was IBM Global. It went to Australia, France, London, all over the world. But I think the ad campaign was a failure, because of me.” – Bobby Lee

26. “I just don’t care as much anymore. But I still get jealous and I’m still competitive which you need to be. I’ll see a kid and go ‘Alright, I’ve got to compete. I’ve got to figure this out.’ If you don’t have that competitive edge, you’re not going to make it.” – Bobby Lee

27. “I like parodying, doing parody, on things that are very specific like that, because you’re taking something obscure and trying to get it into the mainstream, and it’s just great that I have the opportunity to do that.” – Bobby Lee

28. “Bangkok is also safe. If you see anybody wearing camouflage holding a machete, don’t be scared. They sell coconuts.” – Bobby Lee

29. “I have many favorite vacation destinations, but my favorite destination is Maui.” – Bobby Lee


30th of 50 Bobby Lee Quotes

30. “Two things, generally, for me, is what life is about. And they’re not funny. Living in the moment is one. And No. 2 is getting out of yourself and helping other people. Because all of my sufferings stems from thinking from myself.” – Bobby Lee


31. “As I get older, I don’t think the world is becoming that funny. Comedy is changing a bit.” – Bobby Lee

32. “I remember me and another comic used to carry Richard Pryor when he was in his wheelchair on stage. And he’d have boogers under his nose and we’d have to wipe the boogers because he was sick. So all those memories. I’ve been around the legends.” – Bobby Lee

33. “Generally, Asian guys are more quiet – they study and have a good work ethic. Generally, I have none of those things.” – Bobby Lee

34. “I’m in this business, man, and I honestly don’t know anything about show business at all. I don’t know how it works.” – Bobby Lee

35. “When I found stand-up, it was like finding home.” – Bobby Lee

36. “When George Carlin used to come into The Comedy Store, I was a doorman. He used to kind of put his hand on me and go ‘How are ya, Mr. Lee?’ He used to call me Mr. Lee. And he would just do his set.” – Bobby Lee

37. “I’m one of those people that will walk into a bar, and if I wasn’t a comic – because some people know who I am – I would just blend in.” – Bobby Lee

38. “I’m getting really old. In the beginning of my career, I used to like to mimic people. And that’s how I thought you were supposed to do it. You’d see a guy and go ‘Oh, I want to kind of do that,’ and then it would just come out in a kind of manic and weird way. But as years go by, you just get closer to yourself. So I think I’m just more myself onstage.” – Bobby Lee

39. “The people that I learned comedy from are all fucked up you know? I was just raised to do it the way I do it, and I can’t help it. And I don’t even think that my shit is dirty, but I guess it is.” – Bobby Lee


40th of 50 Bobby Lee Quotes

40. “Life is random. You can’t plan it.” – Bobby Lee


41. “I am very sad. I’m one of those guys that lights candles and listens to Rachmaninoff.” – Bobby Lee

42. “I don’t really view myself as being that nasty, but people think [the act] is I guess.” – Bobby Lee

43. “I like Columbus, Ohio, because it’s Pleasantville for real. They have the nicest white people I have ever met, and I mean that!” – Bobby Lee

44. “My point being though is it’s getting better though because fifteen years ago, you wouldn’t see Asian on the television or movies. So it is getting better, but I think there could be more.” – Bobby Lee

45. “I grew up at The Comedy Store, so my role models were always like, [Sam] Kinison, I used to do things with Andrew Dice Clay, Pauly [Shore] was my landlord, I lived in his house for years.” – Bobby Lee

46. “because I’m not really a sketch guy. There are times where I just lay in bed and I think about those years and I miss it.” – Bobby Lee

47. “I love Dallas, Austin, and Houston. Why? Because some of the best comedians, like Bill Hicks and Sam Kinison, started their careers in Texas, and because the crowds there are comedy-educated.” – Bobby Lee

48. “Kinison really effected me in a certain way.” – Bobby Lee

49. “I’m hoping that, over the years, people will come back to ‘MADtv’ and think it isn’t that bad. We had some really talented people on there.” – Bobby Lee

50. “If I was, like, in Mongolia, living on a mountain and in my village, I could be the hottest guy. In L.A., I’m… average?” – Bobby Lee



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