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Warren Buffett Net Worth



Warren Buffett Net Worth

What is Warren Buffett’s net worth?

Net Worth:$130.4 Billion
Born:August 30, 1930
Height:1.78 m (5 ft 10 in)
Country of Origin:United States of America
Source of Wealth:Entrepreneur/Investor
Last Updated:Jul 26, 2024

Warren Buffett is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist.

He is considered to be the best and most successful investor in the world, and you’ll soon see why.

Buffett has been the chairman and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway since 1970, and he’s also one of the richest people in the world.

As of July 2024, Warren Buffett’s net worth is estimated to be $130.4 Billion.


Early Life

Warren Buffett was born on August 30, 1930, in Omaha, Nebraska, to parents Leila and Howard Buffett.

He has two older sisters, and his parents were Leila and Howard.

Buffett went to Rose Hill Elementary School. However, in 1942, his father, a congressman, was elected to the first of four terms in the United States Congress.

The family moved to Washington, D.C., where Warren finished elementary school.

He then attended Alice Deal Junior High School and graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in 1947.

In Buffett’s senior yearbook, he spoke the words: “likes math; a future stockbroker.”

Young Buffett started investing at the age of 11, and by the time he was in college, he was already running his own business.

Buffett’s investment philosophy was influenced by his mentor, Benjamin Graham, who was a famous investor and author of the book “The Intelligent Investor.”

Graham’s philosophy of value investing, which focuses on buying undervalued stocks with a long-term view, had a profound impact on Buffett’s investment approach.

After graduating from the University of Nebraska at 19, Buffett intended to enter the prestigious Harvard Business School, but he was rejected. Instead, he entered Columbia University and got his master’s in economics there.



From 1951 to 1954, Buffett worked at Buffett-Falk & Co. as an investment salesman. From 1954 to 1956, he worked at Graham-Newman Corp. as a securities analyst.

In 1956, Buffett established his own investment firm, Buffett Partnership Ltd, where he was a general partner from 1956 to 1969. The firm’s main strategy was to invest in undervalued stocks and hold them for the long term. Buffett’s success with the partnership was instrumental in building his reputation as a savvy investor.

From 1970, he worked as Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc, a struggling textile company based in Massachusetts, in 1965.

Buffett transformed the company into a diversified holding company, investing in a wide range of businesses, from insurance to retail. Over time, his investment strategy paid off, and Berkshire Hathaway became one of the most successful companies on the New York Stock Exchange.

In 1979, Berkshire began the year trading at $775 per share and ended at $1,310. Buffett’s net worth reached $620 million.

Buffett became a paper billionaire when Berkshire Hathaway began selling class A shares on May 29, 1990, with the market closing at $7,175 a share.

Today, he is one of the richest people in the world, and his net worth was more than 70X when he first became a billionaire in 1990.


Warren Buffett Net Worth

As of July 2024, Warren Buffett’s net worth is estimated to be $130.4 Billion.


Warren Buffett’s Net Worth Over Time

YearNet Worth
2001$32.3 Billion
2002$35 Billion
2003$36 Billion
2004$42.9 Billion
2005$40 Billion
2006$42 Billion
2007$52 Billion
2008$62 Billion
2009$37 Billion
2010$47 Billion
2011$50 Billion
2012$44 Billion
2013$53.5 Billion
2014$58.2 Billion
2015$72.7 Billion
2016$60.8 Billion
2017$75.6 Billion
2018$84 Billion
2019$82.5 Billion
2020$67.5 Billion
2021$96 Billion
2022$118 Billion
2023$106 Billion
2024$130.4 Billion


Personal Life

Warren Buffett’s personal life has been marked by two important women: his first wife, Susan Thompson, and his second wife, Astrid Menks.

Buffett married Susan in 1952, and they had three children together: Susan Alice, Howard Graham, and Peter Andrew.

Susan was an integral part of Warren’s philanthropic efforts, and the couple donated together to causes such as education and reproductive health. Sadly, Susan passed away in 2004 after a battle with cancer.

Following Susan’s death, Buffett continued his philanthropic efforts through the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, which focuses on reproductive health, family planning, and education.

In 2006, Buffett married Astrid Menks, who had been his companion and friend for many years. Despite the unusual circumstances of their courtship, the couple has been together for over two decades and is known for their low-key lifestyle. Menks is said to be an important source of support and stability for Buffett, who has credited her with helping him to stay grounded and focused on the things that matter most in life.

Despite his immense wealth, Buffett is known for living a frugal lifestyle. He still lives in the same five-bedroom house in Omaha that he purchased in 1958 for $31,500. He is also known for his love of simple pleasures like hamburgers and Coca-Cola.

Buffett has also been open about his struggles with mental health. He has spoken publicly about his battles with depression and has encouraged others to seek help if they are struggling with mental issues.



Apart from being one of the world’s wealthiest individuals, Warren Buffett is also among the most generous philanthropists. He has pledged to give away the majority of his wealth to charities and has already donated billions of dollars to organizations focused on education, poverty alleviation, and disease prevention.

Buffett’s philanthropic efforts are guided by his belief in the importance of investing in people. He has spoken frequently about the role of education in breaking the cycle of poverty and has donated millions of dollars to support scholarships, schools, and other educational initiatives.

One of Buffett’s most significant philanthropic efforts is the Giving Pledge, a commitment he made with Melinda and Bill Gates in 2010 to encourage the world’s wealthiest individuals to give away most of their wealth. Since then, over 200 individuals and families worldwide have signed the pledge and donated over $600 billion to charities.

Buffett’s own charitable foundation, the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, is named after his first wife and is focused on supporting reproductive health, family planning, and education initiatives. The foundation has donated billions of dollars to organizations around the world and has been instrumental in expanding access to vital health services for women and families.



Here are some of the highlights of Warren Buffett’s career:

  • Takes control of Berkshire Hathaway (1965)
  • Becomes chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway (1970)
  • Berkshire acquires 6.3% of Coca-Cola ($1 billion, 1989)
  • Berkshire takes full control of GEICO in $2.3 billion deal (1995)
  • Buffett invests $5 billion in Goldman Sachs (2008)


Favorite Warren Buffett Quotes

Best Warren Buffett Quotes (1)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” – Warren Buffett


Best Warren Buffett Quotes (2)

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett


Best Warren Buffett Quotes (3)

“It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.” – Warren Buffett


Best Warren Buffett Quotes (4)

“We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.” – Warren Buffett


Best Warren Buffett Quotes (5)

“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett


Best Warren Buffett Quotes (6)

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” – Warren Buffett


View our larger collection of the best Warren Buffett quotes!


Success Lessons from Warren Buffett

Now that know all about Warren Buffett’s net worth, and how he achieved success; here are some of the best success lessons to learn from Warren Buffett:


1. Save Before Spending

The best way to invest your money is by putting a set amount aside every month to save or invest. Then use the rest to pay your bills and purchase anything you might want.

If, however, you wait until the end of the month, you end up spending more. This is because you have more on-tap to spend, and therefore you will buy things you don’t necessarily need. And save nothing.


2. Keep Good Company

As the saying goes, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

So here’s the thing: you have to keep great company.

Surround yourself with people who build you up and challenge you to grow. People who can help you with your goals and provide you with the knowledge you are otherwise unable to acquire.


3. Enjoy What You Do

Buffett believes that our lives are very short, and taking up jobs we don’t like, though they may provide us with riches, is just not worth our time.

The only way to live a successful life is to do what you love and not waste your time being miserable, even though you may receive a lot of money for doing so.

View more success lessons from Warren Buffett!


Warren Buffett – Business Motivation

Frequently Asked Questions


How much is Warren Buffett worth?

Warren Buffett’s net worth is estimated to be $130.4 Billion.

How old is Warren Buffett?

Warren Buffett was born on August 30, 1930, and is currently 93 years old.

How tall is Warren Buffett?

Warren Buffett’s height is 1.78 m, which is equal to 5 ft 10 in.


Warren Buffett is the most successful investor in the world. It would be hard to think otherwise considering his net worth.

Also, he has an incredible success as a businessman and philanthropist.

Throughout his long career, Buffett has demonstrated an exceptional ability to identify undervalued companies and generate long-term returns for his shareholders.

As of July 2024, Warren Buffett’s net worth is estimated at just over $130.4 Billion, and he remains in the top 10 richest men in the world.

What do you think of Warren Buffett’s net worth? Leave a comment below.

Dan Western is a British journalist with a decade's worth of experience in researching financial information of the world's most influential people.

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Carlos Ghosn Net Worth



Carlos Ghosn Net Worth

What is Carlos Ghosn’s net worth?

Net Worth:$120 Million
Born:March 9, 1954
Height:1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)
Country of Origin:Brazil
Source of Wealth:Entrepreneur
Last Updated:Jul 26, 2024


Carlos Ghosn is a Brazilian-born French businessman with an estimated net worth of $120 Million. 

Ghosn is best known for being the CEO of Michelin North America, Renault, AvtoVAZ, Nissan, and Mitsubishi Motors.


Early Life 

Carlos Ghosn was born on the 9th of March, 1954, in Porto Velho, Brazil.

He did his secondary studies in Beirut, Lebanon, at Collège Notre-Dame de Jamhour.

Ghosn graduated from École Polytechnique in engineering in 1978 and his postgraduate studies from the École des Mines de Paris.



After graduating from the École des Mines de Paris in 1978, Carlos Ghosn worked for Michelin for 18 years. At first, he trained and worked at several plants throughout France and Germany before becoming a manager in Le Puy-en-Velay, France. 

In 1984, Ghosn became the head of research and development and, a year later, was named the COO of the company’s operations in South America. 

Ghosen moved to Rio de Janeiro, where the business had become unprofitable due to the hyperinflation in Brazil. Tasked with turning things around, Ghosen rose to the challenge with success and was named the president and COO of Michelin North America in 1989. 


Rising Through The Ranks

In 1990, Carlos Ghosn became the CEO of Michelin North America and oversaw the company’s restructuring after purchasing Uniroyal Goodrich Tyre Company. 

Six years later, Ghosn was elected Vice President of research, purchasing, development, and manufacturing at Renault, a French auto manufacturer. Under his guidance, Renault became exceptionally profitable, which led to Renault and Nissan forming the Renault-Nissan Alliance in 1999. 

While maintaining his previous roles, Ghosn became Nissan’s COO and was named its president in 2000 and CEO in 2001. 

Ghosn was able to turn Nissan’s sinking profits around with his “Nissan Revival Plan,” which reduced the company’s debt by 50% by 2002. To do this, he cut 14% of jobs, shut down five Japanese plants, and auctioned off assets, including the company’s aerospace division. 

In 2005, he became Renault’s president and chief executive, making him the first person to run two Fortune 500 companies simultaneously. 

While not as wealthy as the richest people in America, Ghosn’s business strategies for success were undeniable, even if some people disagreed with his methods.


Ghosn’s Recent Business Deals

Carlos Ghosn became the chairman of GM in 2005, following a merger between the company and Renault and Nissan. Ford offered to allow Ghosn to lead the company the following year, but he refused, stating he’d have to be made both CEO and chairman. 

In 2007, Ghosn pushed Renault-Nissan into the electric car market, which helped make it the world leader in electric vehicles by 2017. 

Soon after, he was named the deputy chairman of the Russian auto manufacturer AvtoVAZ and, in 2013, became the company’s chairman. 

After a long tenure, Ghosn stepped down as CEO of Nissan in 2017 while remaining chairman and was succeeded by Saikawa Hiroto. 

However, the year before, Ghosn had become chairman of Mitsubishi Motors following Nissan’s acquisition of a 34% stake in the company. 

At Mitsubishi, Ghosn’s goal was to rehab the automaker, though he was removed from his post in 2018 after his arrest over false accounting allegations. After that, Ghosn’s affairs began to fall apart, and by the end of 2019, he was still imprisoned. 

In late 2019, he was able to post bail and quickly left Japan for Lebanon, where he continues his legal battles today.


Carlos Ghosn Net Worth

In 2024, Carlos Ghosn’s net worth is estimated to be $120 Million. 



Here are some of the best highlights of Carlos Ghosn’s career: 

  • Ghosn is the chairman/CEO of Renault, AvtoVAZ, Nissan, and Mitsubishi Motors
  • He was ranked as one of the 50 most famous men in global business and politics (2003) 


Favorite Quotes from Carlos Ghosn

“Commitment. This is my favorite word because, in some way, people who are committed are always much more interesting and much more reliable, and much more, I would say, deep than people who are not.” – Carlos Ghosn

“We don’t know where the markets are going….we have to observe what’s going down, see the trends, look at every vibration on the market, prepare the technology and jump when consumers start to think one way or the other” – Carlos Ghosn

“I think that the best training a top manager can be engaged in is management by example. I want to make sure there is no discrepancy between what we say and what we do. If you preach accountability and then promote somebody with bad results, it doesn’t work. I personally believe the best training is management by example. Don’t believe what I say. Believe what I do.” – Carlos Ghosn

“You don’t implement change easily in Japan unless you explain very clearly why you need to do this change, how you’re going to do this change and what’s going to be the outcome of this change. If you offset or you forget to explain one of these three steps you’re not going to do it.” – Carlos Ghosn

“I would say a good leader brings results. A great leader writes a new story, it’s different. Obviously a new story has to incorporate a lot of results. But a story is a chapter in the life of a company that people want to write and want to remember.” – Carlos Ghosn


Carlos Ghosn is a French-Lebanese-Brazilian businessman known as the “Le cost killer” and “Mr. Fix It”.

Thanks to his turnaround success at Nissan, Carlos gained celebrity status in the business world and was ranked as one of the 50 most famous men in global business and politics in 2003. 

What do you think about Carlos Ghosn’s net worth? Leave a comment below. 

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Rich Barton Net Worth



Rich Barton Net Worth

What is Rich Barton’s net worth? 

Net Worth:$2.1 Billion
Born:June 2, 1967
Country of Origin:United States of America
Source of Wealth:Entrepreneur
Last Updated:Jul 26, 2024


Rich Barton is an American entrepreneur and CEO of Zillow Group with an estimated net worth of $2.1 Billion. 

Barton has founded multiple companies, including online travel company Zillow, job search engine Glassdoor, and photography site Trover.

Barton was a venture partner at Benchmark and is on the board of directors for Netflix, Avvo, Nextdoor, and Artsy.


Early Life 

Richard Barton was born on the 2nd of June, 1967, and raised in New Canaan, Connecticut.

Barton is the son of a teacher and mechanical engineer. 

Barton graduated from Standford University in 1989. He then started working for Alliance Consulting Group and Microsoft in 1991. His forefathers, John Barton and his son Horace, were inducted into the 1999 South Dakota Tennis Hall of Fame.



After graduating from Stanford University with an engineering degree, Rich Barton started working for the Alliance Consulting Group in 1989. 

In 1991, he left and began working for Microsoft as a project manager for the operating system MS-DOS 5.0. While working for Microsoft, Barton founded the travel site Expedia in 1994 as the company was planning to build a travel guide on CD-ROM. However, Barton pitched the idea of an online service to Bill Gates, who permitted him to pursue the project. 

In 1996, Expedia made its debut on the internet, and Rich was the CEO of the site’s IPO until 2003, when it was purchased for $3.6 billion.


Making Billions

After selling Expedia’s IP, Rich Barton took a year-long break from business to relax in Italy and enjoy his success. However, he didn’t rest for too long and made a comeback in 2004 to begin setting his next business plan in motion. 

Now in Seattle, Barton began working on the site Zillow, which he believed could transform the real estate industry. 

In December 2004, Zillow was incorporated in Washington and officially launched in February 2006. 

The site included a home valuation tool, sales history, and value appreciation information upon launch. The site crashed on the morning of its launch because the servers weren’t strong enough to handle the immense traffic. 

By 2008, Zillow had grown exponentially and, in 2010, had become incredibly profitable for the first time since its launch. 

In 2012, Barton purchased Rentjuice and Hotpads, followed by Street Easy in 2013 and Trulia in 2015. 

All of this helped make Rich Barton one of the richest people in America, and his net worth continues to increase.


Maintaining Zillow

Although Rich Barton stepped down as CEO in 2010, he returned in 2019, replacing Spencer Rascoff. A year prior, the site began buying and selling through the new Zillow Offers, which partnered with local real estate agents. Upon returning to the CEO position, Barton began expanding Zillow Offers into new markets across the United States. 

However, when the pandemic struck in 2020, Zillow saw its stock hit a four-year low, forcing them to cut expenses to stay profitable. 

By July 2020, Zillow became one of the first companies to permanently allow employees to work from home. This allowed them to hire an additional 1,500 employees with the plan to expand their workforce by 40% by the end of 2021. 

Unfortunately, things didn’t pan out, and Barton announced in November 2021 that Zillow was shutting down its home-buying business and laying off 25% of employees. 

That said, this didn’t stop the Zillow Group from acquiring other businesses throughout the 2020s to expand their reach. These companies include ShowingTime, Follow Up Boss, and VRX Media, all of which have benefited Zillow. At the same time, Forbes named Barton a billionaire in 2020 after his earnings from Zillow continued to grow. 

Now one of the richest people in the world, Rich Barton has undoubtedly lived up to his first name, earning billions through his business. 


Rich Barton Net Worth

In 2024, Rich Barton’s net worth is estimated to be $2.1 Billion. 


How Does Rich Barton Spend His Money? 

Rich Barton spends his money on real estate.


Rich Barton’s Home and Other Spendings 

Barton owns a home in Seattle, Wahington. Barton Has A $700 million stake in Zillow and plans to turn it into a home-flipping machine. 



Here are some of the best highlights of Rich Barton’s career:

  • Chief executive officer of Zillow Group
  • One of the top 10 innovators under 35 by MIT Technology Review (2003)
  • Presidential Ambassadors for Continental Entrepreneurship (2012)


Favorite Quotes from Rich Barton 

“Until now, finding out a current market value of any home, whether it’s yours or one you want to bid on, has been quite difficult. We believe you shouldn’t need a computer science degree or a real estate license to find out what a home is worth.” -Rich Barton

“Yes. The overwhelming trend is that shopping, across the board for every kind of home you can possibly imagine, is up. And that is even with the need for increased safety measures.” – Rich Barton 

“I think of this concept as “faster to the future.” I believe that this awful occurrence, this crisis of a pandemic, has also created a massive opportunity for all of us to get faster to the future, be it in the real estate industry, or in many different Industries as well.” – Rich Barton 

“I think entrepreneurs, by design or by personality, are people who must be optimistic about the future. I think in times of crisis like now, it’s that optimism that pulls not only people through but pulls teams of people through. It’s very difficult to be a successful leader and be pessimistic.” – Rich Barton 

“It’s very difficult to be effective and optimistic in your job when you’re scared for yourself, for your family, for your community. So for me, being part of a successful business enterprise that Zillow is, is about making sure that I am taking care of what I need to take care of in my personal life, and with my family, and with my health.” – Rich Barton 


Rich Barton is an American entrepreneur and businessman best known for being the Zillow Group CEO.

He is also the founder of Expedia and Glassdoor. Barton was born in Connecticut and graduated from Standford University. He has also founded the online travel photography-sharing site Trover.

He was a venture partner at Benchmark and served on the boards of directors for Netflix and Artsy. In 2012, he was named one of Barack Obama‘s Presidential Ambassadors for Continental Entrepreneurship. 

What do you think about Rich Barton’s net worth? Leave a comment below. 

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Russell Simmons Net Worth



Russell Simmons Net Worth

What is Russell Simmons’ net worth?

Net Worth:$340 Million
Born:October 4, 1957
Height:1.76 m (5 ft 9 in)
Country of Origin:United States of America
Source of Wealth:Entrepreneur
Last Updated:Jul 26, 2024

Russell Simmons is an American record producer and entrepreneur with an estimated net worth of $340 Million. 

Simmons is the co-founder of the record label Def Jam and has been among the top 25 most influential people in the industry over the past 25 years, playing a pivotal role in bringing hip-hop music to the forefront. 


Early Life 

Russell Simmons was born in Queens, New York, on October 4, 1957.

He is the son of Daniel Simmons Sr. and Evelyn Simmons. His father was a public school administrator, and his mother worked as a park administrator. Simmons attended the City College of New York for some time, after which he dropped out and went on to promote local musicians. 



During college, Simmons met industry mentor Robert Ford Jr., and a few years later, he co-founded Def Jam Recordings with Rick Rubin. In 1985, he co-produced and appeared alongside Daryl McDaniels in the film “Krush Groove” and launched the Def Comedy Jam television program.


From Rap To Riches

The Def Comedy Jam program featured notable figures such as Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, and Martin Lawrence, who were prominent comedians then. At the same time, Russell’s services to the music industry and hip-hop culture were honored at the 2004 VH1 Hip Hop Honors. A few years later, he produced hit films “The Nutty Professor” featuring Eddie Murphy and “How to Be a Player.”

In 2003, Russell established RushCard, a prepaid debit card provider, and launched Phat Fashions LLC, featuring Phat Farm and Baby Phat labels. The apparel line has a traditional appearance and feel thanks to the influence of designers like Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger. Not long after establishing the business, he sold Phat Farm and Baby Phat to Kellwood Company in 2004 for $140 million.

That same year, he formed the Russell Simmons Music Group as a joint venture with Universal Music’s Island Def Jam Music Group.


Simmons’ Vegan Advocacy

Additionally, he co-founded the Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation and received an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Humane Letters from Claremont Lincoln University in 2014. He also coordinated the anti-Rockefeller Drug Law demonstrations promoting more equitable drug laws and was designated as the UN Slavery Memorial’s Goodwill Ambassador.

Russell is a huge PETA supporter and won the PETA Humanitarian Award in 2001 and the Person of the Year Award. The group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) fights against animal abuse in entertainment and industry, advances vegetarianism, and defends animal rights. Many celebrities, such as Pamela Anderson, Ellen DeGeneres, and Woody Harrelson, are just a few of the figures supporting PETA.

His involvement with the NGO has influenced him to live a healthier lifestyle. He has become vegan himself and promotes the routine.


Signing Lil Skies And Jack Harlow

Simmons, a vegan since 1999, supports the David Lynch Foundation, which encourages activism, mindfulness, and vegetarianism; he also practices Jivamukti Yoga and Transcendental Meditation. He supports the Somaly Mam Foundation, which combats human trafficking and sexual slavery and endorses the second Muslim Jewish Conference promoting interfaith dialogue and cooperation.

In 2012, Simmons’ book “Super Rich: A Guide to Having It All” took home the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work – Non-Fiction.

To top it all off, Richtopia listed him as one of the 200 most influential social entrepreneurs and philanthropists worldwide in 2017.

Russell released the “Masterminds of Hip Hop” NFT collection alongside Snoop Dogg and Ice-T and became a senior advisor for the vegan brand Everything Legendary.

Recently, Russell has been more involved in Def Jam Records, signing up-and-coming artists such as Lil Skies, Jack Harlow, and Dreezy.


Estimated Net Worth

In 2024, Russell Simmons’ net worth is estimated to be roughly $340 Million. 



Here are some of the best highlights of Russell Simmons’ career:

  • Co-founded Def Jam (1983) 
  • Krush Groove (Movie, 1985) 
  • Launched Clothing Line (1992) 
  • Sold Phat Farm (2004) 


Favorite Quotes from Russell Simmons 

 “Find peace within yourself.” – Russell Simmons

 “Always focus on your effort, instead of the results of that effort.” – Russell Simmons

 “The key ingredient to any kind of happiness or success is to never give less than your best.– Russell Simmons

“As I get, I give. Giving as you get is critical. It has everything to do with being happy for yourself, and making others happy is the cause of making yourself happy, and it’s the cycle of giving and getting.” – Russell Simmons

“Don’t get caught up in the hype. Always be connected to and content with, what’s happening in your own head.” – Russell Simmons

“Giving, not trading or selling, is the basis of success. The most rewarding thing you can do is just to give the world something good. And ultimately you will be paid so much more for that gift that you had tried to trade it for something else.” – Russell Simmons 

“That’s because the truth is, the only things that are going to bring lasting happiness to your life are good health and knowledge of self, which lead to a compassionate relationship with the world.” – Russell Simmons 


Russell Simmons was one of the first producers in the industry to co-found one of the most significant record labels ‘Def Jam’. Simmons has collaborated with some of the best artists, such as Jay Z and LL Cool J.

What do you think about Russell Simmons’ net worth? Leave a comment below. 

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