Who are the richest women in the world? Most of the focus is normally on men, but what about the wealthiest women? Can you even hazard...
Stories that have morals and messages behind them are always powerful. In fact, it’s crazy just how powerful a 200 word story can be. Our last...
Who are the best motivational speakers of all time? Motivational speakers have had an enormous impact on my life, and millions of others, no matter what...
Short Inspirational stories are powerful reads; The great thing about them is that they’re so easy to digest, and there’s always a moral at the end...
Ever wanted to start reading self-development books, but you’re not sure who the best personal development authors to follow are? You’re in luck… I’m about to...
The brain works in mysterious ways; Or are they mysterious? The best authors and minds in the area of psychology have given us all the information...
Today I’ve compiled an incredibly long article, highlighting Tai Lopez’s top 100 book recommendations. This long list of amazing books dives into the areas of entrepreneurship,...
If you’re after a quick adrenaline rush, from the comfort of your own home, then watching any one of these horror movies on Netflix will do...
We all like to get the most out of our money, even if it’s just a few extra cents on the dollar. With that said, we’ve...
Ever wondered who the highest paid athletes are? There’s a big divide in pay-cheques between good players and the greatest players. It’s probably bigger than you...
If you prefer using Amazon Prime movies over Netflix, then you’re going to want to know what the best movies are, right?! Well, to keep things...
Having a passport opens up a world of opportunity for anyone that is fortunate enough to have one. However, it’s not a one size fits all...
There is a shift in the “force.” It has taken the form of a national discussion – in legislatures and around kitchen tables – about the...
Which are your favorite Tupac quotes? Tupac Amaru Shakur, known as 2Pac or Pac, was an American rapper, record producer, actor, and poet. His records have...
Johnny Depp, what an incredible actor; Not only is Johnny Depp an incredible actor, most notoriously featuring in the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ film series, but...
Steve Jobs was a wise and successful billionaire; Jobs always pushed the boundaries of what was possible at Apple computers, and never stopped until his vision...
Which are your favorite Lewis Howes quotes? Lewis Howes is an American author, entrepreneur, and former professional football player. Today, he is well known as the...
Which are your favorite sports quotes? For aspiring athletes, the motivation to keep on pushing and never give up is incredibly important. After writing up an...
We all have goals and dreams that we hope to accomplish, unfortunately, not everyone manages to do so. The road to our goal and dreams is...
Have you ever read the book ‘Think & Grow Rich’? If you’re a regular visitor to Wealthy Gorilla, then you definitely should have read the book...
For the first fifteen years of my life, I had no problems in my social life. I was never very outgoing, but I always had friends...
Guy Kawasaki is a best selling author, serial entrepreneur, key employee at Apple and the current Chief Evangelist of Canva. Guy is a huge proponent of...
This article was written to show you some of the best self-improvement techniques that’ll help you change your life. It’s no secret that self-improvement is strongly...
The United States is home to millions of immigrants who travel from all parts of the globe, all for one goal – to have a taste...
Travelling, one of life’s greatest joys! Travelling is such an incredible experience, and I highly recommend everyone to do it whilst they have the opportunity. For...
There are a ridiculous number of motivational Instagram accounts these days; With it being so easy to get out your phone, and scroll through your feed,...
There’s a lot of motivational videos on the web; Many of which we’ve featured in previous articles. But how many of them actually target entrepreneurs specifically?...
I would say that one of coolest things I loved growing up and still to this day is going to the movies. Going to the movies...
Do you ever come across a picture that just sums up something perfectly? A picture that puts serious meaning to the “a picture says a thousand...
Everyone needs to do things they hate from time to time. It might be anything from basic chores to a dull part of an otherwise interesting...
Everyone who is striving to reach their goals knows that they need to pump their Grind to maximum level. Whether we want to lose weight, start...
Life is a race where the finish line is a person’s goals, and in order to win, a person must achieve all of their goals and...
Entrepreneurship is a tough game, and is certainly not meant for those who cannot withstand difficult times. There is more to entrepreneurship and is not just...
As a tween, I loved the Nancy Drew Mystery Series. I wanted to be like Nancy Drew. She had such a good head on her shoulders,...
Some people call it a mantra, others an affirmation, but really…they are slogans; personal slogans. When you think about a company, you think about it’s slogan....
The motivational videos I’ve witnessed being uploaded to YouTube in the past couple of years are phenomenal. The emotions and adrenaline that comes rushing to the...
Want to hear some of Colonel Sanders’ success lessons? Colonel Sanders was rejected 1009 times before successfully selling his Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe. He had failed...
It can be scary to go after your big goals; So scary that people have a tendency to pretend that they do not want anything that...
If you’re like me, you probably struggle in staying productive; Sometimes I even have difficulties staying still for a short period of time. In fact, the...
“What’s wrong with being a nice guy?” If this is your reaction, that’s already a sign that you should read this article. After going through Dr....
Being the best is not an easy task. That’s just the inconvenient truth. Ask Donald Trump, Anthony Joshua, Usain Bolt, Mark Zuckerberg and other successful people...
After becoming the bodybuilding champion of champions, Arnold Schwarzenegger was mocked and told that no one his size, and with such a strong accent, could make...
Successful people are role models; However, it hasn’t always been that easy to connect and build a strong relationship with them. Nowadays we have so much...
Do you want to make your first million in your 20’s? With today’s varied and numerous investment avenues and the unlimited knowledge source that is the...
You’ve probably heard it before; put in the hard work and you’ll eventually become successful… They lied to you… It takes a lot more than hard...
Most accomplished individuals and millionaires often find the best way to navigate to success is by questioning the status quo. This isn’t just about asking numerous,...
No matter how ready you are for that job you really want to get, there is one thing that always takes you out of the comfort...
When it comes down to being successful; The majority of people are held back by one simple, yet complicated reason. People are held back from achieving...
Once you find your passion, you won’t have to work 100 hours a week to become successful. You will be working as normal but since you...
Jim Rohn is one of the best motivational speakers in the world; If you’re looking for an advancement in your life (be it in your professional...
I am sure the title of this article may have caught your attention and spurned multiple questions in your mind; “What does Dr. Lops mean that...
What is wealth? Many people define wealth within a spectrum of many different values. Wealth can be defined within the context of monetary accumulation, good health...
LeBron James has become an all-star NBA player; There’s no doubt that if you’ve heard of the NBA you’ve heard of LeBron James. He’s been absolutely...
Do you dream of being a boss one day? Whether you are a young professional who has just started early on your career or you are...
So you want to help other people? According to a survey by the non-profit group The Conference Board, the majority of Americans are unhappy with their...
The law of attraction is basically stating that “like attracts like”. The idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or...
If you’ve been following Wealthy Gorilla for a while, you’ll know that I love inspirational movies. 9 times out of 10, if I decide to watch...
Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “Wow, he looks like he bleeds money?” If so, this perception you have about the person probably has...
One of the largest sections of any book store (even if e-books on Amazon is your chosen book store) is that on “self-help.” In it, a...
Taking risks; How many of you are young individuals playing it safe and comfortable? Listen up. There are so many reasons why you should take risks...
Whenever I was travelling, I would drink a lot of alcohol. Although there were a lot of great nights involved, it wasn’t healthy, and I soon...
I was recently watching a documentary featuring the ‘Subway guy’, where he went to various events across the country as the spokesman for Subway. I forget...
In this article, we’ll look at the effects that TV has on people, and some of the scary facts that you might not be aware of. Most...
We need to start publishing more articles that highlight awesome personal development books on Wealthy Gorilla. They’re so powerful, and provide such a great amount of...
I was browsing through Facebook the other day, and one of my friends had posted a status on these life lessons as described by an 80...
Today’s article is all about caffeine, the thing that we all love and enjoy. We’re going to get into a little bit more detail about caffeine,...
Want to learn some simple psychology tricks? These tricks will help you in an incredible number of areas within self-improvement, including communication, first impressions, ability to...
What are thought provoking questions? The meaning of these questions is to get you think deeply about your answers, and the effects they’re having on your...
We love listening to music; Can you imagine NOT having music in your life? It would be like seeing without color. There’s a different style of...
Breakups are seriously tough; In fact, most people struggle to move on quickly. You constantly find yourself missing the other person, wishing you were with them,...
Ever wondered what makes men beta or alpha males? Girls have an incredible ability to read body language and facial features. In most cases they can...
As a man, your testosterone levels are a major driving force in your overall quality of life. The problem is: Testosterone levels in American men have...
Are hot showers good for you? What’s the deal with stepping into the shower every morning and jacking the temperature up? We shower in hot water...
So many people struggle with productivity. After all, if you were more productive, then you’d be able to really get things done, right? Here’s the truth....
In previous articles, we haven’t spoken about the positive benefits of playing video games, but more the reasons as to why you should stop playing them....
Three quarters of today’s smokers trying to shed the habit are heavily hooked on nicotine. This number is up 32 percent from almost two decades ago....
There is no recipe to being a perfect parent and no child was ever born to this world with a manual. Your job as a parent...
Haters. They come in all shapes and sizes, with vocabularies that range from the grunting of cave-dwellers to the bombastic spewing of wanna-be intelligentsia’s. No matter...
It’s easy to think that if you want to make big changes in your life, you need to go crazy and make really big changes. You’ve been...
A modern man’s life is sometimes described as but a combination of transitory attachments and meaningless pursuits. For example, instead of focusing on how to create long-lasting...
Video games can be a huge addiction for many teenagers, and even adults, believe it or not. Especially with a bunch of new smartphone games being...
Ah yes, the talk about the famous benefits of cold showers, and the 30 day cold shower challenge. The last thing you’d probably want to do...
This article will help you to understand the different types of mindsets people have, and what they all mean. Whether it be the mind of a...
The topic of cutting negative friends from your life, is one that’s close and personal to me. In this article, I’m going to explain how negative...
This article is focused on giving the information needed to help you triple your confidence is just 30 days. Every point in this article contributes to...
The hardest part of putting together any list of inspirational role models is deciding who to include. There are so many people who’ve done heroic things, in...
Are you on a journey to becoming spiritual? We can draw spiritual inspiration from various things around us. You just need to be someone who is sensitive...
First, why would you want you to be an influential person? There are many reasons. Influential people can create change in communities and in industries. They...
Struggling to become the person you want to be? Bookshelves are packed with self-help titles that claim to be able to transform the reader into the...
College is a time when many things begin to come together; A large part of the journey is learning about yourself, developing different skills and honing...
Ever wondered what success habits separate high achievers from the rest of the dreamers? Some people perform better. They achieve more and always succeed in what...
Running a successful business means that you must have the best and most qualified individuals working for you. Many companies can go even further if they...
There have been many speculations in recent years about the future of our planet, our environment and all living things that surround us. There are still...
Who are the richest celebrity couples in the world? There are a lot of power couples in the fame and fortune world; I’m sure you all...
What is Timothy Sykes’ net worth? Introduction Timothy Syke’s net worth is estimated to be and can you believe he built a large quantity of this...
Where do you live? Do you think it’s expensive? Ever wondered what the most expensive cities in the world to live in are? Here, we have...
What are the most expensive yachts in the world? If you have a passion for sailing or can appreciate the engineering masterpieces mentioned below, then this...
If you’re into your guitars, then you’ll know they can get pretty expensive. Better quality wood, pick-ups and strings, plus build quality and craftsmanship, all add...
Nowadays, you can pick a basic laptop for around one hundred dollars, and it’ll do the job. However, the laptops listed below are far from basic,...
Although Christopher Wallace passed away in March, 1997, he was still a lyrical genius, producing incredible rhymes that flow perfectly. Otherwise known as Biggie Smalls, or The...